
Monday, February 27, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Nostalgia

     This week, Rachel from Totally Ovar It came up with our topic, list the top ten pros/ cons of attending your class reunion. That's a tough one, so I'm going to concentrate on high school.

     I didn't hate school but I didn't love it either. I was never involved in extra curricular activities. I was a farm kid, there were always chores. I loved learning but was not a huge fan of actual school so I missed a lot of classes. Independent study if you will.

     It has been almost 30 years since I graduated. I went to school with a lot of family, aunts, uncles and cousins. The people who were important to me, I've kept in touch with. I have never nor do I have any desire to go to a class reunion. Let's try that list.


1 The music. A night of late 70's and early 80's tunes would be a blast.
2 There would be dancing. Probably as bad as in actual high school but that would be fun too.
3 The clothes and hair, provided people came in theme.
4 The bar. Now that we're all adults no more sneaking out to the parking lot.
5 Seeing everyone again. Seeing how life treated the jocks, the cheerleaders, the brains, the geeks, the townies and the farm kids. You know the cliques are all still there just waiting to embrace us.


1 There really is only one, seeing everyone again.

      As much as I'm curious to see how life treated everyone, I'm not so sure I want the full reality tour. I left the area not too long after graduation. In my mind, we are all still those fresh faced teenagers, full of hope and promise. I don't want to see who got fat or bald, who life beat down, who broke up, who hooked up. I don't want anyone bursting my bubble. I don't want to be looking for missing faces. That amazing girl who thought I was the coolest for lending her my Get the Knack album is still alive and well in my memory. I'm still indestructible and so are they.

     Nostalgia can be a great thing, reality can be a sucky slap in the face. I prefer my class experiences to remain where they are, in the past, in my memories.

     So on that vaguely depressing note, throw on a Smith's album for old times sake and go over to Stasha's and see what everyone else came up with. Hopefully a little cheerier than mine.

     One more little bit of shameless self promotion. The lovely and talented Rachel who picked this week's topic will be my final Social Media February guest. Drop by Wednesday to see what she has to say. I've already had a chance to read her post and I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.


  1. I love this post Paul, I so agree with you - I prefer my memories to actually going to the reunion. That was my big con as well - seeing everyone. I have to admit, if people went "in theme" from when we went to school and the fact that we could drink at the bar and not sneak out for that - wow, that could be a crazy night! Think I'd still skip it though :)

    1. The bar would be a plus but now that I think of it, the parking lot was were some of the best high school funtions ended up LOL

  2. Oh boy did you put your finger on the Con side of things in that whole "I'm not sure I want to see it all..." You're right there is only 1 reunion. A great point...I have one coming up in September and it's going to be chock-full of your Con. Hmm...

    1. That's really the crux of it, does my curiosity out weigh not really wanting to know.

  3. You con is my con! Period. Love this list Paul and I cannot wait to see Rachel's post!

    1. Thanks Stasha. Rachel never disappoints, see you on Wednesday.

  4. I've never wanted to go to a reunion either. Like you said, the few who meant the most I've kept close.

    1. I see no real reason to go and try and reconnect with people I had no connection with anyway? the ones who mattered still do.

  5. I didn't do the list today. busy figuring out my new Ereader/Kobo!

    But it's kind of odd that I would LOVE to go to a reunion - because I am that odd duck who just loved high school and university and have no bubbles to burst. And yet -- even though its' been like forever since I have graduation: not one single reunion invitation. I don't even know if there was one at all: or if they all secretly hated me!

    1. ROFL, now I have this image of you all happy and perky and everyone behind your back going" I hate that b^^^ch, let's never invite her to the reunion." Sorry, cant stop laughing. Sometimes an over active imagination is a curse. I'm sure they all loved you, how could they not?

  6. Ah Paul, you gave a great reason for not attending, and what I liked was the motive behind. Keeping those last memories alive your psyche is the way to go.

  7. Ha! I love 70's and 80's don't need to have a reunion to listen to that! ;)
    I'm with you on the whole reunion thing. I wasn't a real fan of high school.

    1. Sadly, I still do listen to a lot of that music anyway. I currently have a song on my iPod that is over 30 years old and not a classic either.

  8. This wasn't a big downer! You made great points. Now that I think about it, I'd hate to learn of any deaths and such. Ick.

    1. Strangely there are a lot of missing faces. that girl, massive heart attack last year at 48. WTF???

  9. Excellent post. I agree with all of them. Especially the con. I skipped my 10 year and I'll gladly skip my 20th when that time comes.

    1. Reunions are kind of like looking into a mirror. Not sure I really want to see what it shows.

  10. Totally agree with all these! But hey, atleast you could go to the bar! Thats where my 10 year was :)

  11. First off, I love, love being in the "Kitchen!" Second, thank you for calling me lovely and talented because I am neither! I can totally get behind your CON... this is why I do not want to travel 2,000 miles and spend almost $1,500 to go to I-Oh-Wah. I adore your list and am so happy I feel like I'm not alone.

    1. I'm happy to have you here, just wait 'til Wednesday. 2000 miles and $1,500, screw the reunion I'm off to the Mayan Riviera. At least I'll come back with a tan

  12. It still is a great read Paul! ;) I like your thoughts on the con.

    1. Thanks, I still want to go to yours at the beach resort.

  13. In a totally non-threatening way, I think I have a little crush on you.

    You're right, it's rough seeing everyone else age, be disappointed in life, or not there at all. Bittersweet.

    1. Thanks Bridget, I think I'm blushing just a bit.
      Life isn't kind to everyone and I'm not sure I want to see that. I'm a bit of a sap like that.

  14. I totally get what you're saying about keeping the image of everyone the same as they were in high school. And you're also right about the music. It would be awesome. :)

    1. I ran into some one who I think I went to school with but of course after 30 years I couldn't be sure. Looked so different but don't we all. I didn't speak, she didn't speak. Wonder if we were both thinking, Hey isn't that...?
      One more slow dance to Stairway to Heaven LOL


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".