
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happiness is...

     The prompt for this week's coffee chat, where's your happy place? What brings you joy? Ya gotta love that cousin of mine, always picking the light topic, what is beauty, what is happiness. Easy ones, let me just fire off a quick post about that.

      What is my happy place?? Hmmm, should this be that hard to think of. Happy place, happy place, happy place. I've got nothing. Light bulb goes on, inspiration strikes, a slow smile spreads across my face. My happy place isn't external at all. It's in my head.

     Sure there are places that seem to make it easier, or people who inspire it but happiness starts inside. It's a state of mind. No one can give it to you, you have to find it yourself. My happy place is just where ever I happen to be.

    What brings me joy? Waking up every morning. Okay not exactly, getting out of bed is the biggest trauma of my day, but it is a new day. Sure maybe off to the same crappy job, dealing with the same stuff everyone else deals with but also full of new challenges, new triumphs, new opportunities. And a lot of coffee, hell there may even be some cookies left.

     Happiness or joy is in the details. A job well done, an unexpected smile, a seat on the subway, the extra nine minutes my snooze button grants me each and every morning. As much as life can throw you curves, you can almost always find something, anything that gives you pause. A beautiful flower, a good book, a full moon, the smell of fresh baked cookies. Anything that makes you smile. Anything that reminds you, it isn't all bad after all. This to shall pass.

      Being angry, mean or resentful takes a lot of work. You have to constantly replay what ever induced the feeling and I find it exhausting. How many times are we left feeling angry but don't remember why? How often are we the cause? Caught up in a situation, crashing ahead with blinders on. Take a moment, get some perspective, there are always choices. Sometimes they're all unpleasant ones but they're there. Our lives are what we make of them. I choose to laugh.

     My favourite places to pause, reflect and appreciate? Anywhere outside. A walk along the beach (yes even the ones here in Toronto), a quiet trail ride with my Mom, working outside in my garden. All give me a profound sense of peace and contentment. Escaping into a good book, watching a good movie or increasingly a good blog post all take me away from what ever might be bothering me. Help restore some sense of balance.

     In the grand scheme of things people always ask do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I see it as time for another drink. Now I'm jonesing for cookies (wonder why?) and I know just which ones to bake. That makes me happy.

     Don't forget to swing by Rory's and see what everyone else has to say about getting happy.


  1. so true: glass half full, glass half empty....either way, there's still room for rum! LOL
    I love that everyone is agreeing that happiness is really a choice we all make. not that bad things don't happen - but happiness all depends on whether we choose to remain in that dark place, or live in the light.
    I'll try to come up with some lighter topics in the future - ha ha: Confessions is next week - but I am always open to new ideas. Like cookie recipes *hint, hint*

  2. I could have just meant it was almost time for more coffee?? Who am I kidding LOL
    Happiness is always where you find it, even in the midst of all the crap life throws at you.
    Confessions? But I'm pure and saintly, what will I talk about? (check for lightening bolt)
    I'm alone this weekend and am testing out an ultimate chocolate chip recipe Bwahahaha. May still be in sugar induced coma Tuesday.

  3. I love the get another drink time bit! You are right about happiness being in the details. I think that is one of many reasons why people like art so much and why I am obsessed with photography. Happiness is the little things. Like taking a minute to read yours and Rory's blog.

    1. That way you're never thirsty LOL
      Looking through the eyes of an artist always makes me happy, same with pitures. Capturing all thiose moments.
      Reading along with you always brings a smile and more often than not a chuckle. That's a great thing, changing the world one belly laugh at a time.

  4. I really avoid being angry. It actually wears me out.
    Happiness is way more fun!
    Your Friend, m.

    1. Anger really is so draining. I try and avoid it at all costs. Acting out of anger is always disaster. I always try and chill, then move forward.

  5. NOW you made me want cookies!
    And I so agree with you about the 'ugly' stuff... it just takes way too much energy!
    And I completely forgot about working in the garden.... there is just something about new plants that brighten up a day....even if you have to get through the weeds to get there!

    1. Wanting cookies isn't bad, having cookies is great.
      I keep having to explain, they're not weeds. Sustainable, responsible landscaping utilizing and preserving natural habitats. Doesn't that sound better?

  6. I agree with you completely. Love the part about anything giving you pause and putting a smile on your face. I was looking through pictures with a friend yesterday and afterwards I had one of those aha moments and realized how lucky I am to live where I do and to have what I have around me each day... and it brought a smile to my face and filled me with happiness!!!! And could we please have a sample of those chocolate chip cookies... my boy is a huge chocoholic!!! :)

    1. Isn't it great when those moments steal up on you.
      I'll keep you posted on the chocolate cuip trial this weekend. At the very least Im hoping for a kickin' recipe at the end of it. The trials I suffer for my baked goods LOL

  7. You could be a motivational speaker. I should remember this advice more often. For now though, my happy place is the beach:)

    1. Thanks Bridget. How can the beach not make you happy?


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