
Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Lady of Listicles

     That's right, It's Friday again. Not just any Friday either, Friday the 24th of February which according to the schedule means another guest here in the Kitchen. Today, I'm pleased to announce, none other than the Lady of Listicles herself, Stasha from The good life.

     That's right, the woman who has single handedly changed how I feel about Mondays. She'll be telling us about hosting a link up. Sit back, grab a slice of pie and enjoy.

10 reasons hosting a link up is good for you:

1. You will be famous.

2. You will have people bringing their stories to you, neatly arranged on your blog for you to read and marvel.

3. You will kill at least 7 hours reading them and otherwise engaging with your guests.

4. You will meet many new bloggers with little effort on your part.

5. You will be famous.

6. You will have a commitment other then your marriage and dental appointment.

7. You will join an elite group of sevenhundrednintythreethousandfivehudredandtwelwe other link ups.

8. You will forever be known by your linky name. So try not to choose something sounding like testicles.

9. You will be asked to guest post.

10. You will be given pie in exchange for your guest post. As it is clearly evident, Monday Listicles is the best thing since sliced bread. Or Cherry Pie Paul is sending me.

     There you have it. In her own incomparable style, the benefits of  linking up. I can't tell you how much fun I've had playing along.

     On a slightly more serious note, if you are looking to increase your presence in the blogsphere, link ups and blog hops are a great way to introduce yourself. Find one (or two or three) and give it a try. It has provided me with the opportunity to meet many other bloggers that I would not necessarily have met otherwise. We may lead very different lives but it's funny how much we share.

     In the spirit of this post, I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Just Jennifer for TGIF, Get Your Happy On. It seems fitting, seeing it was at her urging, I first gave Monday Listicles a try. That's right Stasha, blame her, it's all her fault.

     Thanks again Stasha, you're welcome in my kitchen any time. Not only will there be pie, for you, I'll clean.


  1. We love your listicles, Stasha! And it sounding like testicles just makes it easy to remember ;)

    1. Why thank you my dear. Why it is easy to remember I shall not ask ;)

  2. Such a great post and such great tips! I love Monday Listicles!

  3. This is great! I'm visiting two of the blogs I read at the same time. It's like killing two birds with one stone!
    Good advice Stasha. In the 80s, I used to hook-up. Now I link-up. "Oh, the times they are a changin'"

    1. The scary thing is some of the people are still the same and wearing neon. Not me, just saying...

  4. I love Stasha, and her listicles, and her photos, and great advice!

  5. This was perfect, Stasha! One question: Why did you choose a pic of the Veggie Tales for your Listicles button?

    And if I'm gonna be blamed for anything, I'll take being blamed for bringing Paul to Monday Listicles!

    1. The number 10 Little J made for me out of his Numberjacks magnets. It is a BBC show he loves to watch. He saw me doing it with fridge magnets and taking photos and said he will lend me his Numberjacks instead, cause they save you from meanies.
      Love Paul and you. So glad you listicle with me every week!

    2. I blame the two of you for the hours lost every week, writing, reading and out right belly laughing. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  6. I really like it here Paul, thank you! Pie and cleaning up, you really are a whole package :)

    1. Paul, I linked it to Jen's TGIF for us. Hope you don't mind. I just wanted to be #1...

    2. You're the best. I get home from work, go to link up with Jen and find out my guest has already done it. We're #1. I'd like to say thank you just one more time, for everything.

    3. Oh Paul. You are so welcome. Cannot wait for pie to arrive...

  7. Great advice Stasha! No one could have listed it better!
    So nice to see you at my cousin's kitchen! He is rather fabulous isn't he? With the pie and expert dishwasher loading...

    ....just remember who gave you Gerard and his sword, right? :)

    1. Oh ho ho. A bit of cousin rivalry going on. I like it. Now if you two join forces and get Gerard to do the dishes after you cook dinner for me...

  8. Another awesome list from the master :) I love how I've gotten to discover new blogs and read all these great posts, Monday Listicles pretty much rocks!

    1. Thank you Anna, Listicles would be nothing without you all joining in!

  9. What's all this talk about cherries and testicles? Am I on the right site? :-) Stasha there is good reason why we all love you! You are humble and understated, funny and wise, loving and supportive. Oh, and did I mention beautiful and talented? Monday Listicles is great! I love joining in when I can. And Paul your cherry pie sounds delicious!

    1. Oh Iza, thank yo so much. Cherries are Paul's fault...He is the one making pies!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wow-sold on you already! I hope you are having a marvelous Saturday. I'll bake hot apple pie a bit later today.


    1. Why thank you. Hope you have a smashing Weekend yourself

  12. I love listicles and most other things ending in icles!

    1. A winter lover, I'm assuming you meant icicles. Right?

  13. I must admit, Stasha, that the first time I saw 'Monday Listicles,' my brain was completely doing the Freudian slip thing and registered it as , 'Monday Testicles.' Hahahaha. Just goes on to show you what Sweaty's been missing ;) LOL

    Nah, seriously, Paul's right. You ARE the Queen of Lists--Listicles, that is. Great advice there! I've met many other bloggers through blog hops and linkys! Yours was definitely one of 'em!

  14. I have to agree Listicling makes me look forward to Monday's. I also have to admit they are often the easiest post to read a lot of... short, sweet and to the point. Kind of like pie I suppose. The thing I enjoy most about link ups is the full embrace of the hostess (well my favorite link ups have). Stasha being one of them. Welcoming, kind, encouraging and well Stasha cracks me up!! Love the list Stasha!!! I just have one question... Your famous? -LV

    1. Stasha is the best hostess. I don't think I've ever seen a post she didn't comment on.

  15. I love this lady's humour. I miss Monday Listicles but I'm still recovering from linky burnout. Really, Stasha's testicle sounding link-up's the best thing to do on Mondays :)

    1. Testicle sounding link ups, you crack me up G.

  16. Wait, pie AND cleaning? Monday Listicles have changed my Mondays, too. I love famous Stasha and her awesome blog.

    1. That's just how much I love Stasha, pies and cleaning. Unless of course Rory pulls through and Gerard is doing the cleaning.....


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".