
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Celebrating 90 years with my Grandfather

     On Thursday October 20th, 2011, my grandfather turned 90. That's right, 90 years old. On the actual day he was surrounded by family and friends and there was also another party planned the following Sunday so we could all join in and wish him "Happy Birthday".

     Just to give you some idea of what he was in for, he and my grandmother raised 11 children, who had 26 grand children who have so far had 29 great grand children. Add in husbands, wives, significant others and there are over 90 of us and that's not including any of my grandfather's brothers and sisters or their families. A gathering of the clan is always a big event.

Some random crowd shots

     Sunday dawned cloudy and wet but cleared off into a sunny, if crisp, 12 degree fall day. It was perfect. After riding with my Mom in the morning, I gathered up my desserts and off I went.

     We all brought something and I was asked, as a grandchild, to bring something sweet, other than myself of course.  I brought these, one of my favourites and courtesy of Buttercream Barbie a new recipe here, Cheesecake Swirl Brownies. Mine were no where near as nice looking as Tia's , I'm swirl challenged, but delicious none the less. All I can add to her recipe is the better the chocolate and cocoa, the better the end result.

     Anyway, I went rushing over to the house, I was running a little late, only to find I was at the wrong spot. As I walked into my grandparent's, my grandmother called out, "You're in the wrong place, everyone is at the hall ".Well no one told me that, I had passed the hall on my way over and did wonder what was going on. As I relayed the story, my aunt Jean laughed and said, "Oh, I did say I'd get back to you didn't I." It's all in the details and I guess I didn't get them all. LOL

     Noon until 2:00 pm was lunch with the immediate family, then 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm  was opened up for visiting with everyone else. Sounds like lots of time doesn't it? It was over so quickly and there were so many people, it was all a bit of a blur. But what a blur.

My grandfather, the star of the event

My grandparents, enjoying the cake

     There was a ton of good food and I got to visit with people I haven't seen in a while, re acquainted myself with some of my younger cousins and just had an all round good time. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not sure I actually talked to my grandfather when he got to the hall. He drove over himself, just in case he wanted to leave. He may not like crowds much, or celebrating his birthday on any day other than the one he was born, but he looked like he had a great time. And he didn't leave early. LOL

My uncle Jimmy and his children, Chris, April and David with my grandparents

Chris's wife Krista with their newborn Austin

My aunt Deb with her eldest grandchild Alyssa

All of Deb's girls,
Her daughters, Chrystal and Sarah
Her grand daughters, Meah, Alyssa and Hannah

Chris's daughter Alicia with Alyssa
Alicia was having none of me until Alyssa joined her
Alyssa loved having her picture taken

Jason's son Devin
Mom, Holly and Piper behind
Holly calls my mother Grandma Joan and follows her everywhere
Holly isn't my daughter

The greats, well some of them
Zach, Piper, Katie. Colin, Jacob, Devin in the tree, Curtis and Lindsay

The greats again with Deseree finally showing her face
She wasn't all that keen to have me photograph her

Kriket's oldest, Kendall
Kriket is the nick name her father, Roy, gave her and it stuck
Kendall proudly pointed out what her mother had made as we were going through the buffet
I mentioned she was almost as tall as her mother and she said, " I know "

Kriket's youngest Maeve
Mom, Holly and Piper in the background
When I mentioned what charmers their three girls were,
Kriket and Ian told me they had read them the riot act before they arrived

A picture of Jamie's son Zach (with cake on his face)

A lovely picture of me
Zach took this one because I was taking his
Note to self, never let anyone take another picture of me from this angle

     My cousin Susan had some great old pictures of Grandpa hunting and fishing and had the real estate posting for Dowsett Island, a family fishing camp my grandfather went to as a young man. For just over 300 K you can own your very own island in the Big Rideau lake.

     A bit of his past, surrounded by his present with the future running all around him (or hanging out of the trees), I can't think of a better testament to 90 years of living. Many happy returns.

        A little more about my grandfather here, his family with my grandmother here and the Craig's in general here.


  1. so glad you enjoyed the cheesecake brownies and that the celebration was good. take care.

  2. Thanks for dropping by Tia. You and your recipes are always welcome in my kitchen

  3. Happy 90th to your grandfather! What a great family gathering :)

  4. It was quite a celebration. A huge family is a blessing and a curse, not enough time to see and talk to everyone, but I tried LOL

  5. Happy 90th birthday to your grandpa!!! That is impressive. And good for you - sounds like you hit the long-life gene pool lottery! :o)

    Aren't large families fun?!? My husband's mother is one of 10 children, so their side of the family looks a little like this, too!

  6. I agree, good for him and good for me too. I hope I'm as active and coherent when I'm his age.

    I love being a part of this large family. Noisy, chaotic and lots of fun. I can't imagine it any other way.

    My mother is from a family of 11 as well so I get it from both sides.

    Thanks for the visit Sarah Kate


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".