
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Keep it, toss it, burn it, sell it

     A bit of a change of pace today in honour of March Madness Break. Playing a game with Rory over at Time out for Mom, the home version of Hoarders.

"Keep it, toss it, burn it, sell it  "
In the same vein as last Chat's game, except this time I am giving you the items:
1.  old high school/alma mater tshirt
2.  love letter from old flame who broke your heart
3.  engagement ring -- from when you said "no"
4.  vinyl edition of what was "your song" - you can download from iTunes anyway

 1 Old high school/alma mater t shirt. I'm hard on my clothes. There is no chance that anything that old is still in my closet. If by some miracle it survived, I'd keep it. How much space does an old t shirt take up? Besides, I can wear it on laundry day and reminisce.

2 Love letter from an old flame who broke your heart. Burn it. who needs evidence of love gone wrong hanging around.

3 Engagement ring from when you said no. I'm a firm believer that it goes back to who ever bought it. (Yes Rory, even the antique one) Sell it. Again, who wants a reminder of love gone awry.

4 Vinyl edition of your song. I love my music. There is something about the sound of vinyl. However, keeping vinyl means having the equipment to play it and storage space for the actual records. Toss it or sell it. I'm not sentimental about the format, as long as I can still hear the song.....

     There you go, I guess I'm not a Hoarder. My motto is, the more you have, the more you have to clean.

     Drop by Rory's and see what other players had to say.


  1. I don't think we could even find a LP player on ebay anymore... but sadly- I still have them. It's a great way of showing today's' kids what they missed and how good they have it now.

    1. I won't deny I sometimes wish I still had some of my old records.

  2. I have the vinyl as well some of my parents old 78's and we have the player to play them.

    1. If I had old 78s and a player I would have kept them but who needs a scratched up copy of Bat Out Of Hell by Meatloaf

  3. I agree with you about the love letters and the engagement ring...who needs to be reminded of a failure???

  4. I saw this great contraption in an antique store: it plays vinyl, but also CD's and tapes...and has the computer USB port too. AND you can record from the vinyl to the CD. Can you imagine?? you could capture that lovely scratchy sound of vinyl onto a CD. and then still transfer to an MP3 Player!

    Okay, so it's only about $600.00 - who wants to go in on it? LOL

    1. That would have made me keep my vinyl. Too late now

  5. I'm definitely a hoarder and I married a pack rat! One of these days you will see us on Discovery!

    1. I have a hoarder in my house too. See you in the studio. LOL

  6. So I would keep the jacket for memories, the rest can go.. Sooo I am naughty huh?? And that was my MOM blog lol I also have an adult blog.. ahem..

    1. So more of a Victoria Secret type of angel...
      I swear, I tried to open your blog, got this big splash screen message that said access denied then sex in red letters and it booted me off the system at work. I had to read it at home.

  7. You had great answers to Les' questions. I suppose, if the truth be told if I have an old t-shirt in the house and I do have several I am more likely to wear them till they are ratty than to recylce them by turning them into rags. That is until I grow so tired of trying to stuff them into spaces I do not have and then out of frustration I may resort to tossing that blasted thing into the trash or cutting it up so DH can use it to remove car wax. Have an awesome day!


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".