
Sunday, March 17, 2013


     Happy Monday, what a week last week was. Busy, busy, busy. Getting things ready for the first proper sleep over here at Casa di Craig, That's right. I had my mother and aunt Jean here with me this weekend.

     I got the spare bedroom all set up (now I'm officially open for visits, book now to avoid the rush), printed the tickets, double checked the dinner reservation, shopped, cleaned, cooked, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned....

     "OMG, this place doesn't look any where near as bad as I thought it would." That's how my mom started the visit. I was killing myself laughing and didn't stop until they left. I have the Mom seal of approval on the new house, she loves it.

     I finally got to tell my aunt her surprise, ballet tickets to see Romeo and Juliet.

     We went to dinner at Nota Bene and I got to spring the surprise I've been keeping for both of them, their sister Susan (yes, also my aunt) was joining us for the evening. The five of us ate, drank, soaked up some culture and laughed. It's been an awesome weekend.

     And that brings us to this week's prompt, 10 ways our partners are awesome. (and this did come up as a topic of conversation this weekend after a bunch of beer and champagne)

1 He makes me laugh. Despite everything, after 15 years, we still giggle together like madmen.

2 He has absolute faith in me. I have no idea why, but he has always believed I can make things work. Financial stability, a place to live, to making sure the taps work. He believes I can do anything.

3 He fits in with my family. Not as easy as it sounds given the fact there are so many of us. He has embraced the horde as they have embraced him.

4 He has a beautiful singing voice. It's how we met, I heard his voice before I ever saw his face.

5 He cooks. Unfortunately he doesn't clean, that's not so awesome. And no matter how he tries, I will never eat balut. Some things just don't need to be experienced.

6 He brings me surprise gifts for no reason. Again, a bit of a crap shoot. Is it my size? Did the tags come off? Do I really need one more chocolate caramel cupcake?

7 He lets me be me. Never tried to change the way I dress, cut my hair, refused to try something I wanted to do. We may not agree on things but have always allowed each other the space to pursue things as we saw fit.

8 He compromises. We both can agree to disagree and still respect the other's point of view and try to find the middle ground.

9 He trusts me, completely.

10 He makes this house our home.

     Now I'm off to eat some more of those Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies that mysteriously showed up in my fridge. (thanks aunt Jean) The awesome just keeps on coming.



  1. Sound's awesome. You're a lucky lady :-)

    1. Thanks Jen. Damn auto correct, s/b Laddie, right? LMAO

  2. Oh that egg!! Yikes!

    He sounds like a great catch.

  3. I can't tell you how glad I am that you ended with chocolate marshmallow brownies instead of balut. Oh. Right. :(

  4. Chocolate marshmallow brownies...don't even stop us! YUM! And that picture should come with a warning label...EEK!! ;) Great list! :)-The Dose Girls

    1. If they ever make their way into another post, will do with the warning. LOL

  5. I am going to be a big fan of this weeks' listicles...Thanks for sharing.

  6. OMG I nearly puked at the egg picture.. Bleeechhhh.. warn someone would ya. Is it possible that some of those brownies could find their way to my fridge?? Hmmm

    1. My exact reaction on first hearing about them.
      The brownies have mysteriously disappeared???

  7. I'm really envying you the brownies... not so much the egg...
    great partners are hard to come by. lucky you!!

  8. Do people actually eat that egg thing? EW. Nasty. I love number 2. So perfect when our partners believe in us.

    1. Not only eat them, love them. Imagine an entire table of Filipinos waxing poetic about balut and how best to eat them. I guess it's what you grow up with as a treat? shudder

  9. Cracking up at "Do I really need one more chocolate caramel cupcake?" My sweetie has a knack for offering visits to restaurants, ice cream and other goodies when I'm trying to stay strong on a diet.

    Gotta love a man who compromises, trusts you and lets you be yourself. Sounds like a great man! And.....he cooks!

    1. What is up with that? LOL I can resist anything but temptation.

  10. I can relate to the beautiful singing voice. I love when men sing with confidence and gusto!

  11. Faith in you and compromises--perfect! I love to hear my husband sing, too. I have never heard of Balut, but I'm with you! Disgusting!

  12. Oh fine, just swell. THIS explains why your mom and Aunt Jean never called me and my mom back this weekend! hmmfphh!
    and aunt Jean's brownies' to boot.
    If you both weren't so Awesome -- I might actually be angry ;)

    How have I never heard him sing? Spare the ikcy egg and bring on the karaoke party next visit.
    Which brings me big is that spare bedroom, and are the walls washable or should I just bring our own crayons? LOL

    1. It was swell LOL you've gotta book early with Mom and Jean I nailed my Mom to a date in January.
      NO MORE KARAOKE I've beenn to enough of them to last a lifetime lol
      If You, Left Brain, MB, AG and ZZ wanted to visit I'm sure I could find room and I can always paint after LOL

  13. Can i just tell you this post made me feel so good. so happy. what a wonderful past few days you've have. I hope it continues forever:) Thanks for sharing:)

    1. From your lips to God's ears. thanks Nikki

  14. Gosh, the love shines right through your words. So awesome. And the time you spent with your mom and aunts sound like a blast!

    1. thanks Susi. I had no idea how nervous I was about my Mom's approval on the house until she got here and loved it. It was a great time, hopefully the first of many.

  15. sappy lady over here got teary eyed at number 10. It's amazing what love turns into beauty. I cry when I think of our teeny tiny busted up first home. Without my man it never would sit so lovingly in my heart.

    1. thanks Kerry, I always figure home is as much the people as the place

    2. always:) hope you are well. Haven't seen many posts from you these days. Sending good hope and love.

  16. Oh no, not the link pictures LOL Focus on the brownies

  17. What a week! House is not a home until its full of love and family crashes it ;) and for the record I have tasted many odd things including cockroaches but I refuse to taste balut!!!

    1. Thanks Stasha. Hmm, cockroaches or balut, think I'll sit this taste test out. LOL


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".