
Sunday, January 27, 2013

When I grow up?

     It's listicle time again. I'd just like to say two things about last week, I'm a little envious most of you have closets the size of my entire house and why do I not have any weapons in my closet. I guess I'm not as prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse as I thought.

     This week, 10 things as a child, you thought you'd like to be/do.

1 This is probably every kid's dream, a grown up (or at least older). Remember that righteous indignation about bed time, cleaning your room, leaving some where you didn't want to... "When I grow up..." Be careful what you wish for, right?

2. Being the son and grandson of farm folk, being a farmer is the first thing I remember as a career choice.

3 A cowboy, we grew up on horseback after all.


4. Or a trick rider

5. Flipper inspired a desire to be a marine biologist. Who wouldn't want their own dolphin? Way cooler that Lassie.

6 Skippy, well I don't know what I wanted to be but it involved having my own kangaroo.

7 World explorer, just like the guys from Mutual of Omaha's, Wild Kingdom.

8 An astronaut, just like the crew of Moonbase Alpha from Space 1999. For whatever reason Star Trek never inspired the same desire. Maybe I thought the moon was more attainable?

9 A singer, then my voice changed to a baritone not a tenor. Oh yeah, and I can't carry a tune in a pail.

10 A big star. See, I had the sunglasses, big smile, paparazzi pose right from the start.

     Drop by Stasha's and see what everyone else dreamed of being.


  1. LOL, nice list. I think TV influenced a lot of us, especially the boys. I used to LOVE watching Wild Kingdom too! Not sure if I ever imagined doing that as a living though...

  2. Three english channels, no internet, yes TV had an influence. I thought travelling the world, taking pictures of wild animals would be the best job ever.

  3. Ooh, I so wanted to be an astronaut! I had a Sally Ride poster on my wall as a kid and everything. Great post! Cute pictures!

  4. I love guy lists. I wonder how many of us had Cowboy listed. I am willing to wager it was a good percentage.

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures in this one!! The one of you standing on the horse made me snort!! And I wanted to be an astronaut too. Erin

  6. I think we are all still cowboys and cowgirls at heart :)

    funny how I used to think traveling and working with animals would be so awesome too. If professional shower singer didnt' work out of course.

  7. HA PAUL! You always crack me up. the pictures are the best esp the trickster! I never wanted a skippy but now I do!

  8. I loved the show Flipper! It probably influenced many to be marine biologists. :)

  9. That is absolutely STAR material in that last photo! After reading your list, I think I wanted to be a marine biologist too...guess I got that mixed up with the Nuclear Biophysicist. Oops.

  10. Marine biologist would be cool. I'm still in awe of dolphins and whales and live under the sea. Oh well, I'll just stick to digging my toes in the sand on the beach!

  11. #4 reminded me of when I learned vaulting at camp one year. Standing on a horse's back while it gallops in a circle really does make you feel like a superhero.

    I was surprised by the number of weapons in people's closets last week too. Maybe it's an American thing. Hehe.

  12. Number 1 was very clever! I think I've even used that line (when YOU grow up...) on my kids. Ha! Loved the pics!

  13. Great list! I loved all the pictures!!!

  14. Love the animal theme, and the last photo is priceless!

  15. I love your list! It makes me think so much about my husband and son. My husband has a similar picture of him standing on the back on a horse and our son is growing up on a farm and want nothing more than to be a farmer at the moment!

    Thanks for stopping by Seriously Kate!

    Kate @

  16. LOL! Yeah I don't know what good a baritone would be even on a church choir. It would be like hitting the wrong key on the piano. Those horses are beautiful, and Flipper was WAY cooler than Lassie. As for "when I grow up, I'm never cleaning my room" - well that's one of those things that doesn't hurt anybody except the person that has to live in. Needless to say, I don't do that to myself.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".