
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hangin' Around

     Another Monday, another list with Stasha. I had so much fun reading all the movie moments last week, you are all brilliant, thanks for the chuckles. This week, 10 things from your closet, no it's not that kind of post, she's talking clothes. Bonus points for pictures.  Although I like the idea, my cupboards are a bit bare. The most interesting bit I have is my sock monkey toque, so I'm going to go with 10 reasons why I have no embarrassing things lurking in the dark shadows of my wardrobe.

1. Most of the time the majority of my clothes are on the floor. Only moths hang out in the closet.

2. The purge. Having just moved, nothing I don't wear on a regular basis survived.

3. I'm hard on my clothes. I rip them, tear them, stain them and often lose them. They don't get  a chance to stay around and embarrass me. Case in point, I once came back from a club in a completely different outfit from the one I went out in. My friends swear I didn't leave??? Good times??

4 I got a "real" job, one with health benefits. No more bars, restaurants or theatre gigs. I work for accountants, a federal body, with international ties. Personal expressions of fashionable creativity strongly discouraged. Besides I pretty much wear a uniform. How crazy can you go with black shoes, black pants and a golf shirt? That's as casual as it gets.

5 I'm, let's see, what's the word? Frugal, sounds way better than cheap and more accurate anyway. I don't have a problem dropping cash on clothes but I reserve it for classic pieces, Hugo Boss jacket, Armani ties, Kenneth Cole shoes. Timeless things that never really go out of style.

6 -10 I'm older, heavier, attached, employed and it's not the 80's or even the 90's anymore. I do however reserve the right to pick up those canary yellow Docs I saw the other day. Probably not.

     Sad but true. My clothes hanger frame was 60 pounds ago. No more living in the clubs. No more "trawling" outfits, you all know what I mean, I'm off the market. No more design student days of running up a disposable outfit for the night. Now that would have been a completely different post.

Shirts made of vintage bed sheets. Yes, I had a few

Chartreuse, still like the colour and the liqueur

Harem pants
I had already destroyed mine long before MC Hammer came on the scene

Jude Law aint got nothin' on me
I ran up several versions of this shirt 25 years ago

     So there is is, no real embarrassing things hanging around. Not like this little head scratcher?

International pop star sporting a slogan rarely seen outside of gay porn.

I can hardly wait to see what dark fashion secrets come out of everyone else's closet this week.


  1. Ha ha. My husband has a sheer shirt too. I married him anyway. He has not wore it since :) love this one. Purge rocks.Not that I ever do it...

    1. LOL, you crack me up. the purge was very theraputic and I was good and donated everythig that was wearable.

  2. Chick Magnet Shirt!! Ayyyy, I used to love it when guys wore those patterned shirts. I don't know why. I probably need help. LOL
    I don't care if a man is dressed up or down, but the one absolute: He must wear the pants well. Must. I've seen some hot celebs and then a pic of them in jeans and it's just all kinds of wrong.
    Buy well fitting pants men! please.

    1. I loved those funky patterned shirts. How could you go wrong? 1 flat sheet for a dollar at Goodwill equals enough material for a one of a kind shirt. I had about a dozen different ones. Other than the harem pants, mine always fit well LOL

  3. Now I really want to hear the story of how you came home in a different outfit from the one you left in. Houdini.
    I envy the closet purge, though I will never, ever have the cojones to do one myself (because I'm not a man). I'm taking my size four jeans from when I was 22 to the grave with me!

    1. It involved way too many shots of tequila and peppermint schnapps. But here's the thing, I went with a group of friends, I left with the same group. A couple of them crashed at my place and it wasn't until the morning when I was asking whose clothes were on the floor anyone, myself included realised I came home in different clothes than I left in. Let you imagination run wild.

  4. "Power bottom"?? OMG I'm dying of laughter! I want to do a closet purge badly. Unfortunately the clothes I'd like to purge are the only ones that fit right now.

    1. I had to do a double take on that one. It's one of the guys from One Direction. WTH did he think it meant?
      I hear you on the purge. The stuff I got rid of..a couple of sizes ago. One day!

  5. hahahha! HOLY POOP number 3 had me crackin' up and I read it 10 times just for sheer laughter and a walk down memory lane! Your lists are my favs! Keep it comin' Paul! I still have no clue what harlem pants are....and I really don't want to have a clue.

    1. A trip down memory lane? sounds like I story I'd like to hear. I have no idea how it happened, went out in a shirt, came home in a really nice wool sweater.
      The harem pants, better left forgotten.

    2. I can't find you on twitter! Unacceptable!

  6. I did not know real people ever wore harem pants. Thanks for busting the myth. ;) Ellen

    1. LOL, okay they weren't like the ones pictured, they were cotton and looked like what Egyptian men wear under a galabeya. No MC Hammer wear. BTW the ones in the picture are from the Givenchy spring collection this year. I know!

  7. Did you know Neon is making a comeback! True. OK...maybe if you're between 15-25 but IT IS! :D

    1. Oh I've seen it out there and had a chuckle or two

  8. You saw my pictures, come get rid of my stuff for me! I swear I haven't worn it in years, its ugly and no longer fits, but I can't seem to get rid of it.

    1. If this had been before the move... I donated or threw out 4 garbage bags of clothes. All you have to do is move. LOL

  9. I LOVE this list! I SERIOUSLY need to do a purge and only keep things I actually wear. What a concept!! Well over 2/3 of the things in my closet are not even my current size...and if I was that size I'd never wear the item anyway.

    I bet you could still rock the neon if you wanted to!

    1. The purge is considerably easier if you have no choice. I had a few of those items myself.
      The neon, instead of a poster boy I'd look more like a navigation bouy. Not necessarily the look I'd be going for LOL

  10. Coming by from Monday Listicles.. I must admit the 3rd one had me cracking up. Having had a few bar nights where I came home in someone else's clothes I can vividly remember whose clothes they were and where mine were.. But that one left me stumped. No. Just No. to the big print shirts. sheer depends on what it is revealing, if it is a pony keg instead of a 6 pack please no..

    1. That's the funny thing, it wasn't that kind of a clothing switch. Probably a drunken, you like my shirt here, have it kind of thing but who knows? I sure don't. LOL
      I loved the big print shirts, it was the 80's, sheer not fishnet, full shirt and at one time I really did have a 6 pack, now it's more of a 2-4. Thanks for stoppin by.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".