
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What The ....

     It's Tuesday, you all know what that means. Coffee Chat with my cousin Rorybore. This week, things that make you go WT? Another easy one because I'm constantly amazed by all kinds of things.

     My biggest head scratcher is...... Why the F**k did Google disable my account yesterday sending me into a panic then rage just before I was about to go to bed ensuring a lovely restful night's sleep so that I was a royal bitch all day at work but thank all that is holy it is working again. Phweh

     Not just my blog was disabled last night, no access to Google + (not a big deal) but no access to my Picasa account with hundreds of family photos, huge deal. Why. Storing your digital photos on a cloud is the best way to preserve them. Hard drives fail and DVDs an CDs are not the stable medium a lot of people think they are. Uploading them to storage online is one of the best ways to ensure your photos stay for years and years. Unless of course your access is blocked.

     The generic response, we apologise for any inconvenience,  is nice but doesn't help in solving the mystery of why it happened at all, cuz I don't want it to happen again. I will take steps to see it doesn't happen again if only I knew what steps to take, sigh. Seriously, I was teetering on the edge after a week of no Internet access, then this. Some one is laughing at me.......

     Next puzzler, why are people who are looking for help from you, rude to you? Yes ma'am, you know who you are, I will be much more accommodating if you don't treat me like something you just scraped off you shoe while you are asking for my help.

     Why can G over at Kiddothings do that with her finger and I can't. That's just freaky and cool at the same time. I feel robbed some how.

     Why are reality tv stars celebrities? If they're just being "real"? My actual question should be reality tv why and just leave it at that.

     Finally, not a question but an answer. Here is why geese fly in a V formation, conveniently filed under #7. You're welcome.

     Swing on over to Rory's and see what has us all WT...?


  1. the answer to why reality stars are celebrities is because people watch them! I say we stop watching!!!!! watcha think?????

    and apologizing for inconveniences.... seriously --- like we need to hear that????

    1. Hi Brenda, I don't watch them I always joke I can feel my IQ dropping as I walk through the room if they are on. If I feel the need to see people behaving badly, I just ride the subway on Friday night. LOL

  2. I was wondering what happened to your blog too...there was just a message that it had been deleted. I thought maybe you had some sort of mental breakdown. I'm glad that wasn't the case.

    I mailed your cousin something on Friday...I just didn't know she was your cousin when I mailed it.

    1. aah, we use your secret messages manual ;)

    2. Jacqui, that blog has been removed message had me in a total melt down last night. I almost lost my mind, stumbling around the cave, ranting at the world, a bottle of prison wine in hand, cuz I'd finished the box of wine. If only I had your book on decoding secret messages, where is it by the way I sent the obsenely large cheque? Autographed and the CD. I'm sure there was some other meaning hidden in there?

      Govna was probably distracting you that's why you didn't realise Rory and I are kinfolk. There are two others out there too Mwahahahaha

  3. I don't get Reality TV least the useless famewhore shows. I agree with Brenda....please everyone stop giving them their over-extended 15 minutes!!!

    And, um.. not sure that's the real reason for the "V" formation, but I like how she thinks.

    Glad your back up and running!

    1. I'm pretty sure that's the reason. It's right there on the Internet, how could it be wrong? Very funny writer, made me belly laugh reading that.

      I'm glad everything is OK as well

  4. Reality TV... what's that??? I use it to fall asleep to at night... works perfectly because most of it is such a snore. And I would freak out too if Picasa screwed with my pics!!! I don't even want to go there. Glad all is back to normal. :)

    1. My ramblings lost, fine, I can always ramble more but the pictures and even some of the recipes had me freaking out last night. Just the thought I had lost them sent me into a panic.

      I'm glad all is back to normal but am looking into alternate storage now, just in case.

  5. Reality TV... UGH!!! I can't stand to watch anything "real" except a game show!

    1. If we all hate these reality tv shows so much why are there so many of them?????

  6. I hate it when people coming to you for help are rude. My husband handles them pretty well with the following response, "You can do this on your own if you would like." Usually gets them to back off a bit.

    1. I'll have to remember that. Seriously what is with that anyway? You need my help and are rude?? Never heard the expression of catching more flies with honey?

  7. Har har!! When you ever have some free time, manipulate your finger to bend like that. I guarantee that one day you too can achieve finger-bending abilities like mine ;)

    1. I have tried, you have no idea how hard. I spent an entire weekend trying to get my finger to bend like that. You're gifted my friend.


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