
Monday, January 23, 2012

10 Things Before I Go

     Once again, Monday Listicles over at Stasha's, The Good Life. This week, Ally from Two Normal Moms gave us

10 things you'd like to see happen before you die
they can be anything from seeing the Cubs win the World Series (this is Hubs' #1) to meeting your great grandchildren. They can be things you participate in or things you just witness

1 I'd love to meet my great grandchildren, or grandchildren or children. At this point it would be a bit of a medical miracle so.....

2 I want to see medicine make it possible to live to be 200 looking and feeling like I did in my 20's. Imagine. I have no desire for a do over, but just think, looking like you did in your youth with a life time of wisdom to fall back on. There is so much to see, learn and do. The trouble we could get into.

3 I would like to see myself holding that big 50 million dollar cheque from Lotto Max. Those medical treatments and children aren't going to come cheap.

4 Now that I'm a bazillionaire (and practically immortal), I want to see the world. All of it.

5 No attention span for sports, wait, not true. I'd like to see the Triple Crown, the Belmont, Preakness and the Kentucky Derby, with my parents (and my kids). We all like horses and it is all over in less than half an hour. Win, win.

6 I'd like to set foot on another planet or at least see the world from space. How cool would that be?

7 I'd like to see teleportation become a reality. I love to go places just hate the actual travelling.

8 If we've got teleportation, why not time travel? I could go back and finally solve some of those puzzling family history questions once and for all.

9 I'd like to write a best seller, or at least get something published or just learn to write better.

10 World peace. Why not, If I can get all of the above, let's shoot for the stars.

Swing by Stasha's and check out what else we'd all like to see.

(ROFL, spell check keeps trying to change teleportation to deportation, not the same at all)


  1. Deportation... ha ha... hubby liked to "threaten" me with calling the INS on his "Alien" wife. Joke's on him... now he can't do that anymore!!! :)
    Great list... who knows what the future will bring!

    1. I threaten Ferd with Immigration all the time but....

  2. I hope you get everything on your list. But I hope I'll be a bazillionaire first...or at least at the exact same time.

    Also...I thought you were a big soccer fan??

    1. I thought you were well on your way to being a bazillionaire, book sales from Secret Messages for Dummies?
      Headless chicken soccer is really kind of a once in a life time event but if you ever here of a game going on I'm there, and I'll bring my cousins

  3. Just remember the little family member who commented on your blog first when you get all that dough, okay? My place with horses and big porch won't be extravagant -- but you'd get your very own guest room! and okay, horses for everyone. LOL
    Would love, love, love to see the Triple Crown! Okay, why haven't we all done that yet?

    1. How could I ever forget you especially if I have a guest room at the hacienda. why haven't we seen the triple crown, or at least one of them????

  4. I am almost to the end of everyones lists and I realized that many many of you want to write a book and/or see it there something wrong with me that I blog yet have not considered writing a book and well honestly still wouldn't??? Love the list..

    1. I'm right there with you. No desire to write a book or become published. Certainly hope there is nothing wrong with us.

    2. Bestfoodie, you're way too busy in that awesome kitchen of yours and Clarinda who can write hiking, running marathons and scuba diving. Nothing wrong with either of you

  5. Oh my gosh your list was FANTASTIC!!!! Your list was so...well...kinda not attainable on a lot of levels (sorry), but I agree with them all (except the horse thing. sports are just SO blech to me even if it IS horses or dogs running to make me money).

    I wish I had thought of the publishing thing, but I think I don't have enough faith in myself.

    1. Thanks Kim. I figure if I'm gonna dream well...
      Horse racing is the only sport I have the attention span for. Sports on television Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
      Although I would love to have something published, the reality is I probably don't have the faith in my writing either, sigh. Can still dream though.

  6. I'm with you on the Triple Crown and winning the Lottery. Think of what good we could do for others ....and do for us!

    1. Sure, do for others, I swear that's what first popped into my mind LOL
      Here's hoping you do eventually see the bottom of that laundry basket and no wonder all those belles were lounging on the porch, those mint juleps are straight bourbon.

  7. Clearly you dream small... I like your style!

  8. Great list!
    And very funny spell check.

    1. thanks Clarinda, just remember, you're taking me with you. LOL
      I'd really like to know the process behind spellcheck and autocorrect,WTH

  9. Spell check is cruel, but oh so funny. I really Like how you dream big. Must be a chef thing :)
    Super duper list Paul!

    1. Spellcheck cracks me up, autocorrect has me on the floor.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, yours was way more thoughtful and selfless than mine.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".