
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My First

     Yes, it happened not last weekend but the weekend before. It was a beautiful spring night, everything was perfect and a good time was had by all. That's right, the first big BBQ bash to welcome in the summer. An intimate gathering of twelve, LOL, all to welcome my cousin who was in the city studying.

     I had a blast. We moved the kitchen table outside so we all had a place to sit. My gardening tub, filled with ice doubled as a cooler, no running back and forth for libations. We had a fire going in the fireplace, the fountain provided, well, whatever a fountain provides and we ate and ate and ate.

     I have had several requests for recipes from the menu that night so here goes. I'll list the menu and when it is red it means the link to the recipe is ready and done. I wish I had taken more/some pictures. Everything was great but the show stopper was the little mini pavlovas. I'm not above a little showing off in the kitchen LOL.

A deceptively simple dessert that always turns heads

     Just so you know, I don't cook like this often but it is fun to flex those culinary muscles once and a while. Besides who needs a better reason than a gathering of family and friends. And it was my first after all, I wanted it to be memorable.

    Some of my guests brought their own creations as well but I don't have recipes for those so.......


Roasted Red Pepper Hummus- I bought this, I can make it but .....
5 layer dip- can be as easy or complicated as you choose to make it


Bean Salad- one of my father's favourites

Dessert- The Dainties - a bit of a private joke

Lime Squares with Almond Shortbread Crust


Beer, lots and lots of Beer- I do have lots of Irish and Scottish blood after all LOL

     I will try to get the recipes up as fast as I can but I'm a lousy typist so bear with me.

     What are your favourite summer recipes? I'm always on the look out for great new BBQ ideas so feel free to pass along yours. I hope you enjoy these as much as we did.

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Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".