
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where is all of this going?

     I have been hard at work, posting like a mad man. Where is all of this going you may wonder? Well, the response to the recipe posts has been incredible, I couldn't be more pleased. It's no puppy, but rewarding none the less. Strangely enough, they aren't what is getting the most views.

     I will do my best to keep you all interested. I'll be posting recipes that are timely, there is no point posting my recipe for strawberry balsamic jam in February when no strawberries are to be found. If you have any questions, comments or requests feel free to drop me a line. I have set the blog to accept comments by anyone, you don't have to have a Google account to post so ...... let me know what you think. Keep in mind, I am the moderator, so be nice.

     There is enough of the first part of the blog up and running to start on the second; family pictures. What I want to do is have a page for each of us to share pictures that show a little bit about who we are. Grandma and Grandpa Fisher are no longer with us and Leo's passing made me realize just how quickly people can be taken from our lives. There is a whole generation of family members growing up who will never experience, " If you eat a little of the main course, you can have a little dessert" or hear Leo's great big laugh. That makes me indescribably sad.

     The next post will be my photo page. I would have liked to start with both sets of grandparents but I just don't have the pictures to do any of them justice. Because this is my blog, my mug is already all over it, as are some of the family and my friends. My photo page will let all of you see what I have in mind but will be a little different. It also won't be complete. Mom has photos I want to include but all of our pages can be added to when ever we want. Hopefully you will all want to be involved. There are so many of us, separated by age and distance, I thought this would be a good way to stay connected. We won't just be names on a family tree or faces in a family photo at weddings. It is meant to be a celebration of our lives; past, present and future.

     To that end, here is what I would like. Each of us will have a page with a minimum of 10 pictures. The pictures can be of anything you like, you, family, your spouse or significant other, your children, your best car, dog, vacation, friend, tractor whatever you want. Something that shows a little bit about who you are as a person. It's your story, how do you want it to be told? If you don't want to participate by submitting photos, I will fill in any missing pieces of the family tree on my own. I know all of your parents, brothers and sisters so should be able to put something together for everyone, but would like it if all of you took part. The only people I'm giving a choice to are all the significant others. If you "married" a Craig or a Fisher, you can be part of  their page or have one of your own.

     If you are a parent, I would like a picture of your child/children to show how we are all connected. Wedding photos are nice but not mandatory. I would like to include birth dates, year not mandatory. Tag your photo or provide the caption you want. Identify everybody, my senior brain freeze moments are happening fast and furious and sometimes it is hard to tell who's who in a picture. Other than that, the field is wide open, well sort of. No, I'm not posting any of the pictures you have in the garage, Adam. That is an entirely different sort of blog. LMAO

     A little geek speak for those in the know. I can take photo submissions by email, 2G capacity on my mailbox but a 2 MB per message restriction. An unedited digital photo typically runs almost 1 MB so keep that in mind if you are emailing me. Mom has my email address as do many of you. I would post it but that is just asking for trouble. I can scan photos but that means actually taking the pictures with me and you all know how often I'm home.. I'm cool with doing that and will take care of your pictures but, accidents can happen so it's up to you. I'm using MS Paint to scan so no real bells and whistles to clean anything up. I'll be bringing a 500G removable hard drive with me at Christmas so can handle an enormous amount of stuff if you already have it ready.

     Finally, a brief explanation of some of the abbreviations littering the site if you don't know what they mean.
LOL= laugh out loud
LMAO=laugh my ass off
LMFAO=I'm sure you can guess what the f stands for
ROFL=rolling on the floor laughing
WTF=what the and again, the f needs no explanation

     That wraps it all up I think. Once again, thanks for all of the interest in the blog, it has had almost 400 hits so far, amazing.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic idea! Luvs it! Great way for everyone to stay connected and up to date.
    I hope anyone who can, participates!

    Recipe question....I see you have canning....but is that the same as doing jams? I would love to be able to just make some simple strawberry, raspberry, blueberry jams to freeze, and I know my mom has a one method...but it has TONS of sugar. Some jam tips (that doesn't sound quite right??) would be great.

  2. I do have recipes for jams, unfortunately, nothing like what you want. Freezer jams have a lot more sugar, that's just the way they are. It is the main reason I don't make them. When the season rolls around I'll post some of my recipes, they're not as hard as most people think. thanks for the comments


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".