
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Paul Craig, November 16, 1964

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A life still under construction
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Paul Donald Craig
November 16th, 1964
I loved that purple shirt

Charlie Brown,
I loved the cartoon as a kid and carried the nick name until, well I'm sure there are people who still think my name is Charlie
Lynda Condie took the Peppermint Patty route and called me Chuck

Ma and Pa
Eric Craig and Joan Fisher Craig

Me and mom, at our first house in Smiths Falls

I'm sure Dad is smiling thinking about all the boiled eggs and tomato soup I'd have to eat until I learned to cook. He cooked when Mom was working midnights. Enough said

Ever the scholar

For Dad, a picture of the farm when we moved in

What it looks like now

A view from the highway,
Imagine what I went through shovelling that driveway LOL

Mom's Trans Am, the first car I drove
I wish I had pictures of some of the trucks, especially the Mansfield mobile

Mom, Sadie and the car, a private joke with the car pics, but it's Mom's to tell

Jack, Lynne me and Maddy in Trois Rivieres for French immersion
The only mullet I ever had, I'm sure that French barber did it on purpose

The whole Trois Rivieres gang,
We almost got sent home for a water fight that got out of hand and flooded the dorm

Melissa and I,
and as Ferd so kindly pointed out, yes I had abs back then
I started with a six pack and now have a two-four, it's all good

Me and Mom ready for somebody's wedding

Dad and I, same wedding
The goofy face is because I'm crouched down so I'm not taller than Dad
check out where I am on the door behind me in the previous picture

Me and Lesia, the only girl I dated Mom ever liked 
A wild and crazy woman, we got into all kinds of trouble together
I met her while I was living in Kingston with my aunt Rita

Yvonne, another friend from Kingston
She called me Puh, I called her Oev, we both have names you can't shorten
She also created Chip and Didi, our California surfer alter egos

House warming, for my first place on my own in the "Big Smoke"
A bachelor apartment you couldn't swing a cat in
Part of the Shopsy's crew I worked with Micheal, Paul and can't tell who the casualty is

 I had a lot of fun there
More of the crew, Tam, Joan(they're married now) and Fast Eddie

Louis, Winona and Fast Eddie again

Gerrard, one half of the infamous Keegan brothers

Micheal, Julaine and Mark, still more of the Shopsy's gang
Julaine, an opera singer, had a big booming laugh that would stop a room

Ryerson schoolmate Sherry and I going to convocation
theatre school, design students, what more can I say
Half the fun of that evening was actually making those out fits.

Sherry and her room mates, Paul and Martin
Collectively known as the PMS Society
They hosted the best parties

Chris wearing one of my outfits
Same job, Shopsy's, different design school
I made clothes for people to help pay tuition

Same design from the back

Erin wearing another of my designs at my studio
She was a concert pianist and I made a lot of stuff for her

Chris and Gillian, Christmas party, both my designs
Chris is so pregnant in this picture and the fur trim was her idea

Wayne and Kathyrn, I made her dress too
There were six at that Christmas party

Agy, a crazy friend. The Boggle was her Halloween costume.
She would get me drunk and make me sing Hungarian nursery rhymes. She thought it was hilarious.
Thank God there are no pictures

Kimberley, me, Allison and Ron in the Bahamas

Allison and I again, I spent so much time snorkeling they were teasing me I would grow gills

Skiing at Tremblant

It sure has changed since Rita, Sherry and I went there

What a view


Luke and Erica


Only In Quebec

Where I live now, great view on a corner lot
If only there were some windows

Halloween, you can never have enough zombies

Stewie was awesome

The relatives I raised hell with the most, a little older, but wiser???
Wayne and I in back, Sherry and Leonard in the middle and Wendy and Deb up front

My fearless cousin Sherry and a perfectly framed picture of Karen's chest LOL
The story of my life would be incomplete with out Sherry.
She is the sister I never had.
We have raised more shit together, laughed and  fought but have always had each others back when the chips were down
There are a million stories, Sherry vs the Giant Spider is my favourite
It has been almost thirty years and it still makes me laugh and I'm sure she'll hit me for it the next time I see her and call me a fool

Me and Sherry as kids

Ferd, my partner in crime, and up to no good if that silly grin is any indication

Mom, my friend Cindy and I
Poor Cindy, Steve and I tormented her so much when we all worked together.
Thank God she's a good sport.
Our view on the world
A lot of us ride, all three of us did and there have always been horses at our farm.
There are tons of pictures shot between our horses ears LOL

My first horse, pony actually
A little Shetland, Pepper
Pepper was followed by, Candy, Cactus, Streaker Joe.....
I had my own horse until I left the farm

Me and more horses

The sugar camp, an old building where they used to make maple syrup.
It was our fort when I was little
Dad bet Wayne and I we couldn't stay over night, in February
Well we did and arrived the next morning, really early, reeking of smoke from the camp fire
Mom was so impressed

Wayne and I
We probably weren't much older than this when we stayed overnight at the camp

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