
Sunday, March 23, 2014

I knew ...

     It's been a long time since I last sat down at the keyboard to write for pleasure. I still read along when time permits. Lately I've been missing it more than usual. I looked at my last post, a different Listicle, and I just knew I did not want my final post to be about Miley and Robin. Funny how that works.

    Following Robin's prompt, nine more things I just knew.

1 There have been a few times I just knew it was time to go home. Work/school in the morning, but I was having so much fun, consequences be damned. Who needs sleep anyway?

2 When our eyes met, I knew it was all kinds of wrong but I just couldn't deny that spark. You all know what I mean.

3 When I moved to the city for school, I knew I would never go back home to live on my parents farm. It was time to make my own home.

4 There have been a few times I just knew things were broken beyond repair. Something I had done or had done to me that altered a relationship beyond saving.

5 Many times I just knew it was the wrong thing to say at exactly the wrong time. I have a horrible case of foot in mouth disease. I've perfected the art of the apology and learned to just stay quiet.

6 I knew it was time to end a poisonous friendship. Although we had hung out for years, I could only be the whipping boy for so long.

7 I knew it was the right time to do something for myself when I sold the house in Toronto and moved to the suburbs.

8 Dancing at a friend's wedding, I knew it was our last dance together. It took all night but I'm glad I was so persistent. The memory of dancing under a Tuscan moon with you was worth the effort.

9 In the 10 seconds it took for this to happen, I knew I was going to die.

I have no idea how the transport behind missed me but I've never been so grateful to be wrong.

     What did you " just know"?


  1. You are such a beautiful writer Paul. I knew I was going to get teary before the end of this listicle.

    1. Thanks Stasha. Getting that dance was like pulling teeth. After we sat down he said" I would have preferred something faster. Whatcha gonna do? Still makes me smile

    2. Oops, I missed out getting my listicles together yesterday! *smack forehead* Oh, well...I certainly enjoyed reading through yours. Your last one, all I can is WOW! God certain had His angels watching over you with that accident. Your vehicle took a real hit, but I'm glad that you're here sharing the story with us. Hey, I didn't know you and Rory were cousins. That's so cool! Anywho, thanks for stopping by my place!

  2. I've missed you. Always love reading your words...

    1. Thanks Movita, I've missed stopping by your place too. J

  3. Whoa! That is some wreck! Glad you were WRONG on that one!

    1. You and me both Scariest 10 seconds of my life

  4. First, I saw your blog in my news feed....and yep, kinda peed a little!
    So glad you are back! Now, stay!

    Oh my gawd!! WTF? My mom said you had a "little car accident" but were ok. That is SO far from "little!"
    (Also, second piddle!)
    Beautiful - you make a grand comeback dear cousin <3
    Now....might we expect some Italy pics in future posts, that of course will be forthcoming? ;)

    1. Thanks Rory, I've missed being here. A bit of a fender bender No? I'll have to send the Facebook link to the wedding pics.

  5. Certainly glad you are okay after that "little" fender bender. I was so happy to see your comment today - time just gets away from us sometimes, doesn't it? I've had very little time to blog, so most of my posts are pictures lately. Hope you'll find time to stick around and share a few more of your awesome recipes! :)


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".