
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beauty, eh

     I missed last week, back to the farm for my aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. Had a blast, huge turn out, got to see the clan, swam (brrr), had a bonfire, helped my grandmother, aunt and mom clean their respective rhubarb patches, hunted for wild leeks (ramps) to make pickles. Busy , busy, busy.

     I saw this week's topic and was going to pass. I'm more the wash and wear kind these days, what do I know of beauty tools? As I was reading what you notice when you first meet someone, of course I read Wayne's entry over at Touristic. My list practically wrote itself.

     I turned to my fellow Canadians for a list of 10 tools essential to get along here in the Great White North.

1 Church key
As you can see they come in an assortment of shapes and sizes. Essential to have an opener for your beer. We don't call it the May two four for nothing.

2 Lighter
A close second to the church key. Good for lighting your smokes, bonfires and in a pinch an alternate  church key. Every good Canuck can MacGuyver a way to open a beer.

3 Toque
Not only the one fashion accessory you need here in the Great White North, it  doubles as a useful survival tool to keep warm during our 12 months of winter.

4 Snow shovel
After all it snows year round (or at least it feels like it)

5 Snow mobile (or skidoo as we call them)

Jimmy, Sally, Suzy that fiery redhead and I off to work

Jimmy takes his snowmobiling seriously

6 Snow shoes
In case the skidoo won't start.

These are a little old school

These are a little more like it

7 Chesterfield, no Canadian home is complete without one. 

It's where we sit and watch...

8 Hockey
To fit in you'll need sticks, skates, the whole kit.

You can never have too many

Or start too young

     Being the melting pot we are, I decided to look around and see what others had to say. Number 9 is courtesy of first generation Canadian comedian Russell Peters.

9 Barbecue

From the humble half barrel

to Jimmy's tricked out ride,
We love our BBQ

No Canadian list would be complete without it so number 10 comes via our national treasure, Red Green

10 Duct Tape

It's never muffled me but.....
     There is one final tool you need if you truly want to get along here in Canada.

That's right, to get along in the Great White North, don't forget to pack your "U". It's our favourite. 

Beauty, eh.


  1. Love this list. And love Russell! In fact I think I might watch his stand up tonight with some popcorn. Don't worry, I won't use the Barbie for it.

    1. I watched so many of his clips getting this list together. He's hilarious. Popcorn on the Barbie, hmmmm? I may have to try that one, then curl up on the chesterfield. LOL

    2. two words guys: Jiffy Pop

      works like a charm when we are camping.

  2. the Mackenzie brothers, Russell and Red Green all in one post.
    I am so proud I am literally standing at attention and waving the Maple Leaf.
    (to be clear, the maple leaf is a tattoo...since I didn't have an actual flag handy. you can guess what body part I am waving. don't worry, there is no "u" in it - LOL)

  3. Those first two are beauty tools because if you are in dark basement room at a party you'll need more beer and a light to any beauties around you. I'm glad we import Canadian comedians here in the states.

  4. fun list!! I would love to go snowobiling again! I grew up going with my cousins when we visited New York

  5. absolutely duct tape!
    Nice to see you back! You have been missed!!
    Rory Bore gave you a talkin' to I hear! GOOD!


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".