
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Carry On

     Monday again, time to link up with the star herself, Stasha. Before I go on with the prompt this week, a small confession. The trick rider that was so admired last week was not me but my Mom. In all fairness I never said it was me, but now you see I get it honestly.

     This time our prompt came from Ducky, 10 things in my purse. Being all PC, knapsacks, diaper bags and gym bags are good too. I was going to sit this one out, I travel pretty light. Not old enough for the diaper bag yet. Why would I have Jim's bag, my name isn't Jim? But, I do always have my knapsack over my shoulder. What's hiding in its deep, dark depths?

1 Pen- you never know when you'll have to sign an autograph

2 Tailor's tape - I forgot that was there. I measured a friend at work so she could order a sari online, a year and a half ago.

3 Old Beer Store receipts - I always make sure I have a bag that fits at least a 12.

4 & 5 Cloth grocery bag and a plastic one - Reduce, recycle, reuse

6 & 7 Small adjustable screw driver and C wrench.- mainly for repairs on the fly at work

8 Book - Never leave home without one. I get very antsy if I forget that one essential.

9 Assorted bits of clothing - I've already fessed up to being hard on my clothes so I carry some spares. At the very least a t shirt, at most a full set, shoes included, maybe an extra toque or set of gloves.

10 Trick bag - This has evolved over the years as has its necessity.

     In the 80's and 90's , it was a small traveller's tooth brush and paste, tester of cologne, small comb and hairspray and maybe an eyeliner. (don't judge, everyone wore it in the 80's) The purpose was to be prepared for the walk of shame the morning (or afternoon) after. Originally small, discreetly fit into a jacket pocket. Seriously, it fit into a cigarette case.

     These days it's more of a full on grooming kit. I leave my house at 5:20 in the am. I'm not a morning person unless I'm on the way home from the night before. Inevitably I forget something, shave, brush my teeth, hair whatever. I've even washed my hair at work. Big industrial sinks, goose neck faucets, it works.  I'm the first one there, no one else knows. I've joked about putting a star on the kitchen door and just calling it my dressing room. It's just easier on everyone elses eyes cuz in the morning it just isn't pretty. Ever.

     That was easier than I thought, I didn't think I even had ten things in there. Don't forget to drop by Stasha"s and see what's lurking in everyones elses carry on.


  1. I'm with you. I never, EVER leave home without a book!(Or in my case, my Kindle) I will turn around and go back for mine if I ever forget it.

    1. I've had to hit a book store while out if I forgot mine. It's an illness,,,, LOL

  2. I am proud to say that the diaper bag at least is gone. No more kids in diapers!! YAY! Someone give me a Superbowl ring - I've fricking earned it!
    Ok..I lied, the diaper bag is still technically in use: but now it is just stored in the van with a change of clothes for each kid. And I finally get to carry around a cute little purse. still full of crap.

    1. ROFLyou're a mom, nothin else needs to be said.

  3. I should carry tools in my purse for when I cycle. I'm lucky I've never had a flat or any mechanical issues when I'm riding tool-less...

    1. That's how it started. When I was cycling to work all the time there was a tire pump amd WD-40 too. Some one once tried to steal my front tire but only loosened it so when I was riding along it jammed and I was without any tools to fix it. Now they follow me everywhere.

  4. You carry a screwdriver and c wrench? ohmigod, if I did that, my husband would be shocked/amazed/impressed!!

    1. LOL, it's amazing how often it comes in handy.

  5. I love that you carry a full dressing/grooming kit around all the time. That makes you ever more awesome than I previously thought.

    1. A matter of necessity. Really. It's never pretty first thing in the morning.

  6. I love the tools in the purse. You win!

  7. Ha I have a tool kit as well all compact and girlie sized, because ya know what woman has enough room for the full sized items with everyone else's stuff in the way..

  8. I need a trick bag!!! For a long time I carried a wrench. Mostly it was because Lil Duck liked playing with it. I would feel so much cooler with a tool set!

    1. Everyone needs a trick bag. I think it's hilarious you carried tools as toys. LMAO

  9. I love the tools I wish my husband did that. Have a good week.

    1. In the knapsack or glove compartment. I've gotta have my tools with me... just in case.

  10. I have the Kindle app on my iPhone so I am never without something to read. I think we need to see a pic of you from the 80's! ;)

    1. Careful culling of family and friends pictures insures, there is little '80s evidence left to jump up and embarass me LOL

  11. I need to stop reading these, because with every one I read I feel like I absolutely can't live without something else. Must add a small toolkit to my purse. I do have a fully stocked survivalist car, though, with several wrenches (not sure what I would do with them though), hammer, screwdriver etc, a full set of clothes for myself and the kids, hand and foot warmers (in case I get stuck in the snow or something), water, protein snacks and I'll stop now, cause I realize I'm starting to sound crazy!

    1. Not crazy at all, prepared. In the winter, I always pack for survival if I leave somewhere in the car. Even if it's just to the grocery store. Ya never know.

  12. I must have a book with my if I am going to an appointment on my own - it really helps to pass the time when you are waiting.

    1. I'm with you on that. Been in a few waiting rooms recently

  13. So glad you didn't sit this one out. You and your trick bag. Makes me feel better that I always keep deodorant in my car. How is it possible that I always forget to put it on?? Ellen

    1. LOL, it pays to be well groomed, or to at least have the intent. LOL

  14. You deserve a star on that door. I always carried clean knickers in my 20s for my walk of shame and I must have jinxed myself cause I never actually walked one...

    1. Most of my walks of shame were because I didn't have the sense to go home and was walking to work from a friend's house after a night on the town.

  15. I LOVE YOUR LISTS every week! A must is to be able to conceal a 12 pack although with a stroller for twins i can get a 30 in there....You and your clothes. Before I got married I always had a big bag with either a bottle of wine or champagne and a change of clothes.

    1. Now I can't get a picture of you strolling along with your twins perched on a huge case of beer out of my head LMAO You're the best.

    2. Why thank you! Kids do come in handy!


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".