
Sunday, January 6, 2013

10 for 2013

     Happy 2013. Seeing as how the world didn't end, I guess we must carry on on our merry way. Good thing too, I just paid off my credit cards, what a waste that would have been. Anyway, it's been a while and I couldn't think of a better way to start off the new year than joining up with the Listmaster extraordinaire, Stasha.

     Being the rebel she is, she tasked us with 10 things we'll still be doing in the year ahead. Resolutions be damned. I like that. Now that I've finally stopped giggling and downright 555ing, reading all about last week's crushs, tweets and all things 80's, (I can't believe I missed that prompt) here's my list of 10 things I'll be still doing in 2013.

1. Enjoying my steak and burgers. Cholesterol level, what?
2 Relaxing with a beer in hand. (or maybe in each hand)
3 Napping in the afternoon. Nothing feels quite so indulgent.
4 Smoking. I know this is a bad one but a guy has to have some vices, right?
5 Tooling around in my little Ranger XL. Yep, I've got wheels again.
6 Unpacking. I swear I had no idea I had this much stuff. The unpacking part feels endless.
7 Cleaning. I just took a  look in the attic. WTF, end to end and to the rafters plugged full of junk. I'll be lucky if I have it cleared by 2014. No, it isn't undiscovered treasures, looks like an episode of "Hoarders". How did they get that mattress through that tiny little opening?
8 Hanging out in the "man cave' listening to and the like. Loud. (just in case you mistakenly thought my taste in music had improved, I'll be listening to this as well. I know it's bad but I just can't seem to help myself)
9 Loving living in the new diggs. I can't properly describe how much I like the new house. Who knew I was an aspiring suburbanite? Besides, rather than being a Torontonian, I'm now a 'Shwan. Cracks me up every time.
10 Being grateful for everything I have. If this last year has taught me nothing else, I am a lucky guy.

     I wish I had pictures to go along with the post but typical me, made sure I packed the camera for an easy find, not so much for the little cord that attaches to the computer so I can unload the pictures. For the love of... Once I locate everything, I'll be sure to take you on a tour of the new crib. Be nice, it's another fixer upper. Good bones, LOL.

     Off to Stasha's to read what everyone else will still be doing this year. You should take a peak too.


  1. uh-hum...there's something about a truck! there's a new song for the country boy still inside you. LOL
    Left Brain and I just enjoyed a great steak and a beer the other night. After we dug out the BBQ of course. :)
    I cannot wait to see pics of the new digs - especially the "man-cave".

    1. Luv the new vehicle. Can't decide on the name though-Grey Ghost, Silver Streak, Mystery Machine (cuz it's a mystery to me how it all works, still haven't figured out how the back windshield wiper turns on)
      Nothing says Canadian like BBQ in the snow bank.
      The man cave = epic.

  2. Sounds like big changes for you recently. Good luck with the cleaning, unpacking and finding those hidden camera cords. (Packing the camera where you could find it but burying everything else is something I would do, too, by the way.)

    1. Changes, oy, that's an understatement. May 2013 be a calm, boring year.
      Strangely as I was packing I thought I had a system that made perfect sense. Imagine my surprise at not being able to find a thing or figure out what the @*%$ I was thinking when I packed.

  3. So glad you are happy in your new house! But WTH with junk being in the attic?? Ellen

    1. Truly, blissfully content in the new place. The attic???Wait til you see he pictures.

  4. Napping! How could I forget to include napping on my list! Good luck with the unpacking and cleaning. If you finish before the year's out, we could use some help over here!! haha.

    1. Napping is a must. You might want to see my unpacking and cleaning job before you ask for my help. Just sayin'LOL

  5. Oh the junk clearing. I feel for you there. Wish ours was in the attic, then at least it wouldn't have taken over two whole rooms of our house. Shhh... don't call 'Hoarders' though...

    Good list!

    1. I'm sure the way my other half "collects" we'll be losing rooms soon enough. Maybe we could do a double episode??

  6. Napping is always such a great idea. I wish we had siesta in America. It makes so much sense.

    1. That little break to clear your mind, couldn't agree more.

  7. I love a nap in the afternoon. A good 20 minutes is good for me.

    1. A bit of a pause, then on with the day, Heaven.

  8. Great resolutions! You always make me crack up. And I love, you choice in music. . .always:)

  9. Congratulations on your new digs! :) Great list! Love number one...I am with you there! :)

    1. Thanks. If you're ever in the "shwa drop by we'll BBQ and no stinkin' veggie burgers here LOL

  10. Congrats on the new house! A beer in each hand sounds perfect!

    1. Thanks Audrey. The beer keeps me sane, saner, easier to manage ROFL

  11. You had me at steak, beer and napping! *SWOON*

    1. Thanks Ducky, you even got them in the right order. LOL

  12. Haven't seen you around for a bit. :) Good luck with all that unpacking. Happy 2013!

    1. Argh the unpacking. Thanks Clarinda, I'll need all the well wishes you can send.

  13. You are going to keep cleaning? To clean might be a resolution for me (at least when it comes to the attic!).

    1. My mom wants to come see the new place, no choice but to keep cleaning. LOL

  14. Symetry and balance are the key! So I agree, beer in each hand is the not way to go. Missed you Paul! Happy 2013.

  15. Hey, you escaped the sourface capital of the world! That's what my sister calls it and she loves living there, so that tells you something about both her and the city itself. I had a secondment to the dark side for two months was one of the less-good experiences of my life. I love my suburban city!

    1. Having been a downtown boy for the last 2 years, I was more than a little nervous about the 'burbs. Love it out here and I can still drop by the city if ever I feel a little homesick. Sour face capitol of the world, love that.

  16. Great list and you included cleaning!!! Wow, impressive! I need to do that. Your attic and my basement should meet. Gah.

    I especially love the grateful part! :)

    1. No choice on the cleaning part, Argh. Your basement can't be worse, at least it's your stuff. LOL

  17. I'm still unpacking 2 years later. I have boxes in the garage that I haven't touched in all that time. I should probably throw them out...

    1. Throw them out, that's crazy talk. Who knows what treasures may be hidden in there?


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".