
Sunday, September 2, 2012

If I knew then

     It has been quite a while as RoryBore pointed out to me recently so I thought a quick post to let you know I'm still alive..... barely. What a summer. Who knew selling a house would be such an incredible pain? Rather than rant on and on, although I reserve the right to do that eventually, I've decided to spin today's back to school Listicles topic, 10 things school didn't cover. That's right, a few pearls of wisdom gained from the experience of trying to sell my house.

Rorybore with two of her three
Angel Girl being a real Fisher
with Zoo Zoo suitably impressed
My Mom and uncle Gord in the back ground

1 Never assume because you have agreed to all of your business partner's wishes it will be an easy process. There will always be new and interesting points to argue over.

2 Just because no one saw you spill olive oil, soy sauce, soda and what I'm hoping was ketchup behind the fridge, it doesn't evaporate and miraculously disappear. It takes hours of scrubbing and cursing to get rid of it.

3 The best way to clean a glass dining room table top is outside with a hose and a scrub brush, at midnight.

4 Hundreds of people tramping through your house picking it apart is not a fun experience.

5 "This house has great bones" is not a compliment.

6 There is a sliding scale of "tidy". Just ask my housemates.

7 Being reasonable is over rated. A screaming tirade at your realtor can be effective. Lawyer-ing up even more so.

8 Dreams of domestic bliss and building a future in the 'burbs are not universal and apparently don't compare to a downtown gym membership and "the whole lifestyle".

9 A break is a must. Sticking around trying to constantly put out fires is incredibly draining and ultimately futile.

10 It's nothing personal usually means the person saying it has wasted months of your time, effort and money. That's very personal.

      As you can probably tell, nothing is going smoothly. I'm feeling a bit bitter and overwhelmed. This summer has been one long nightmare that isn't over just yet. Deborah, when you said selling and buying a house were the 7th and 8th circles of hell, you hit the nail on the head. Oh well, back to the lawyer on Tuesday.

How can that face not make you smile along?
My cousin Emily

     Just so you know, the summer hasn't been all bad. Two great family get togethers made the world of difference. This too shall pass, eventually.

My uncle Doug with his three little water sprite grandchildren
Lindsay, Holly and Emily

     I probably won't be posting regularly just yet, still too much going on to keep on top of everything. Don't forget to swing by Stasha's and see what everyone else had to say about school this week.


  1. Oh, you poor thing. Would love to know the story behind 3.

    I wish you well with the rest of your process. Good luck. Ellen

    1. #3 will be a post all on its own eventually. Combine my excellent house keeping skills with my housemates extreme tidiness and well, desperate times, desperate measures.
      I'm hoping at this point my lawyer can end this mess, yet another post there. Keep those fingers crossed

  2. Welcome back!!
    I am so glad you got a pic of AG's fish! she was so proud!
    Also...check out my cleavage! wait...we're related - sorry, never mind.
    Hope things get better soon - summer is supposed to be full of sun and fun: not suckwittage.
    big hugs and glad to see you, if only briefly.

    1. Thaks Rory, I got a couple of good ones of Monkey boy as well. How could I miss that cleavage? LOL
      You have no idea how angry I am that this has consumed my summer. All for no real good reason either. I can feel a rant coming on.....

  3. I completely agree - home buying and selling is hell. I told my husband I'm dying in this house...never ever moving again.

    1. LOL, hopefully I won't be dying in this house but I know what you mean. What is killing me is that it doesn't have to be this difficult. This should have been all over and done with over a month ago.

  4. Ugh, selling & moving suck. As much as certain difficult to fix things about my house drive me crazy, I dread the thought of selling & buying again more. I hope it all works out for you soon!

    1. There was a plan I swear. It's just been completly de railed at this point. If all else fails there is always litigation, Argh.

  5. I've never had to sell a house yet, but I know buying one is a pain...and we're still left at a rental property for now. I hope it goes better for you!
    In the many failed buying processes, we were told houses had nice bones too...what a crock!

    1. I was kind of looking forward to looking for a new house. Now I just want this over and done so I can move on.
      The other half of the nice bones comment is usually but it needs a lot of work LOL

  6. Ugh, I've moved twice within the past 5 years and that whole house process is so miserable! I hope you come through the other end soon! I love your spin on the list, even if it's born out of pain.

    1. Thanks Stacie. What burns me the most is that the problems I'm having are stupid and just shouldn't be. Very frustrating.

  7. I was just thinking I hadn't seen any posts from you! Sorry to hear the home selling process isn't going well. Hopefully soon the whole nightmare will be over!

    1. It has been a crazy summer. The selling wil be finished eventually one way or another. My patience is at an end and that's what lawyers are for.

    2. It will all work out, you know it will.

  8. You probably need to write that ranty post to get it all out of your system... hope it goes smoother now and ends real soon, so you can enjoy the fall!

  9. Ah, house buying is horrific, and old houses, eh! Hang in there, and writing is a great way to vent.

  10. Hugs mate! I feel your pain, I do. If I knew how to cook I would send you some pie.

  11. A good rant will help. Really. *hugs*


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".