
Monday, June 11, 2012


     Listicles again, time to link up with Stasha. This week our prompt came from The Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms, 10 things that make you go Hmmm. Here is my list of things I ponder from time to time.

1 Why does that time saving technology work only until you actually need it, then it crashes, can't get a signal, breaks...

2 Why are there always either pieces left over or not enough when you buy "some assembly required"?

3 Related to 2, when there are instructions in 8 languages, why does the item (when assembled) never look like the picture?

4 What the H E double hockey sticks have you been eating? You all know what I mean? Light a match.

5. Why when I have a bazillion channels is there nothing on worth watching?

6 Why do movie studios buy the options to great books then ignore the story?

7 Why does the likelihood of unexpected guests dropping by increase exponentially depending on the messiness of my house?

8 Why?
(Although watching the guy actually lose his pants then be unable to pull them back up because the belt was cinched so tight was pure comedic gold. No, not that guy in the picture, that's pulled off the interweb)

9 Not to ignore all the women out there. Why?
Yes, I know they are Louboutins. I know they cost a fortune. I even understand wanting to get a little more height. But really, why spend so much money for something you can't walk in and makes your feet look vaguely like hooves. Just sayin?

10 Why can't people just accept I'm right? With out question. Or argument. All. The. Time. Is that so much to ask?

     Swing by Stasha's to see what else has us scratching our heads.


  1. I enjoyed them all -- and those shoes do look like hoofs. You have a point. But those shoes definitely do not (at the toe that is).

    1. Thanks Jamie. There are lots of women who can completely rock those shoes, unfortunately, lots who can't. Why bother? Be comfortable. I saw a pair the other day that had to have had a three inch platform, they looked like hooves LOL

  2. You are correct. And you are awesome. Was that redundant or just enough? Ellen

    1. Thanks Ellen, stop you'll make me blush. LOL

  3. I think you are right. I am a worshiper of pretty shoes but those are just plain ugly. And dudes in those pants... And all the others. Love it.

    1. I like those shoes, just don't understand people who buy for a label then can't walk in them? The pants are just plain funny.

  4. not that i would know, but i've read/heard that Louboutins are super comfortable to walk in, so therefore worth the price. but you're right in that it's an exorbitant amount of money to drop on regular black pumps that don't even give you super powers to shit gold.

    1. Personally I can't walk in sneakers without falling so I guess comfort is relative. Louboutins don't come with superpowers????

  5. You are very funny Paul. Very, very, funny. If you get an answer to #10 as it refers universally to us all, or just to me, I'd like to know:)

    1. Thanks Nicki. If I ever find that answer, I'll be only too happy to pass it along.

  6. pull your pants up guy explanation: pays homeage to their "homeboys" doing time. because why? Us mean prison workers take away your belt when you enter prison. ya know, so you don't hang yourself with it

    other than that, I was distracted by the beautiful shoes. sorry, some things just are.

    1. Is that really how that got started? Never knew that. Now you have to cinsh the belt really tight so the pants on't fall off.
      I knew the shoes would distract you LOL

  7. I do not wear high heals and NEVER will.

    And people should totally accept that I'm - er, I mean - you're right!

    1. You crack me up Jennifer, we are right, aren't we?

  8. Haha! I just published a Picnesday post today, of something that made me go "Hmmm...". Can I add it to your list? ;)


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".