
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Turning Points

     Monday, again? What happened to last week? Disappeared outside enjoying the nice weather that's what. I hope everyone had a good Mother's Day celebration. Flowers to Mom and my grandmother, just to say I'm thinking of you even if I don't call or visit as often as I should. And I did call my mother, we talked for quite a while, actually.

Purple columbine just about to flower

     Now it's Listicle time again, here's what Stasha left us with last week.

 Next week’s topic is 10 THINGS YOU WISH YOU COULD DELETE. But since it is a day after Mother’s day, feel free to submit a list to celebrate your mom. I would advise you against combining the two though…

     My Mom knows I adore her(even if she didn't vote for me again!) and there is no way I could list only 10 reasons. How do you break a lifetime into 10 things?

The large irises, taking over now the mni ones are done
The blooms are as large as my hand

     I couldn't really think of ten things I wish I could delete either. I have made lots of mistakes, had my heart broken, been thoughtless and cruel, made and lost friends. The thing is, each mistake, or unkind word has been a lesson learned. If you delete those things, it changes who you are now. So although I have regrets, for lack of a better word, there aren't many things I would delete.

The second round of creeping phlox

1 The car rental this weekend. Another fiasco, only this time with the car itself. For whatever reason, the key less entry on my rental kept locking the ignition every time I got out. I rented the car to run errands, remember the plan? I had lots of stops to make. After spending 20 minutes trying to get the stupid thing to start after the second stop I gave up. 35 minutes of my day wasted fooling around with the damn card. I miss keys. And now I have to rent a car for the third time. This one will have keys.

2 The unfortunate perm incident in grade 11. It was the 80's, everyone had a body perm. Mine turned out more French poodle than body wave. I had it cut out 2 days later.

3,4 and 5 would be the car accidents. Specifically, being hit by cars while riding my bike. Two bikes ruined, cracked ribs, assorted bruises, cuts and scrapes. I could do with out those.

Look at that, ripe strawberries
In a few weeks I'll have baskets of them

     That's it. I know, surprising really but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. It did get me thinking of what would my life have been like if? You know, if I had done this rather than that. Not regrets, just wondering how different life would be for me right now. There are a few of those.

Lilac florets, ready for making scented sugar

6 When I was 16, I had enough money to buy that little Mustang OR to go on a summer French immersion trip to Trois Rivieres. The first trip away from home. I chose the trip and it opened my eyes to the big old world outside the farm. I've often wondered if buying the car would have had that much impact on my life.

7 The decision to go away to school. I never ended up going back to the farm to live after that. I've often wondered what life would be like had I stayed on the farm rather than gone to the city.

Two cups of floral sugar being infused
Should be ready in about a week or two

8 When I was 23, 24? my father offered me one of the farms he owned at the time. I was home for a visit during the summer, had been dating Lesia for a long time, my mother loved her, I had even considered proposing. Life would have been all mapped out. Obviously I chose differently, but I do wonder how things would have turned out. I'm thinking probably not well for a whole lot of reasons but you never know......

9 Buying the house. I've been a bit of a wanderer. The house is probably the biggest commitment I've ever made to tie me to one place. I've often wondered how "settled" I would be had I not. Would I still even be in this city?

10 What if I hadn't said yes to the business partnership? Although the business itself was/is a success, the partnership was a disaster. Three years of my life, a staggering amount of debt, a stall to my career and an unresolved court case later, you would think it would have landed itself firmly in the delete pile. Tempting but it did teach me a lot. I wish it hadn't been quite so expensive or painful but it's changed me in positive ways too so...

More lilac ready for making syrup

     This weeks list, such as it is. Drop by Stasha's and see what everyone else had to say.


  1. Oooh, I love all the blooming flowers. And strawberries, too! We're a little behind that timing here, though one of my lilacs has just bloomed and the other will within a day or two. My strawberries are a little farther off, and the raspberries will follow. I love this time of year :)

    1. Everything is so early because it has been unusually mild. I've never had strawberries this early in May. I'm waiting for my blackberries to bloom soon. Yeah spring, come on summer.

  2. Well I would delete al calories I consume pass 6PM every day. Mom did not vote for you again!?!? I think you need to go back home for a visit and make her cake :)

    1. Can I delete the calories but still enjoy what I ate?
      I would never bake for my Mom. She's way better at it than me. Who do you think I learned from? LOL

  3. I'm glad you see your "mistakes" as learning points.
    Good for you!

    1. I've always kind of looked at as a mistake only if you don't learn from it and then you do it over and over. You laugh or you cry, right?

  4. I am impressed you got back on that bike after the FIRST accident. Did the second keep you off?

    1. Moving out of the downtown core is what got me off my bike. The commute home is too long after a day at work. I loved riding my bike all the time. Now, only occassionally.

  5. Nah, I think the trip's memories far outweigh a car...

    1. the trip was an eye opener for sure, but it was a really snappy car... LOL

  6. Ok. 3 bike accidents? I think after the first one I would have been so traumatized that I wouldn't even be able to look at a bike, let alone ride it again. Quite brave you are, my friend!

    And you turned down a farm??? Well, I suppose you had your reasons....but couldn't you have kept the farm and still lived in the city? Sorry. I'm biased. I love the outdoors. :)

    1. Brave or just plain stupid LOL I love getting out on my bike, always have. Besides I grew up with the "get back on the horse that bucked you off", literally.

      The farm was/is 4 1/2 hours outside the city I now call home and represented a whole way of life I wasn't ready for at the time. Now.... LOL

  7. You know, I think either of us would have been just as happy and just as full no matter where we hung our hats. The love of such awesome, inspiring moms - goes with you no matter where you go.
    Our hearts would have carried the love along. And we would have built a bigger life of love upon that foundation. that's our legacy I think.

    1. I agree whole heartedly. I've always had the support of my parents to carry me through whatever I decided to do. The best part is always knowing I can go home if I need to. They may not agree with my decisions but have always let me live and make my own mistakes. And I've made a few LOL

  8. Yikes - sorry about the car/bike accidents! (And the unfortunate perm :) Thanks for sprinkling in the pretty floral images. But now you've got me wondering why my strawberries are small, hard and green while yours are so red!?

    1. Ahh the car hoods I've sailed over, good times I tell ya. Those are the things coming up in my garden, very calming. My strawberries have started really, really early this year because the winter was so mild. Most of them are still small, hard and green too.

  9. Your list is interesting. I want to drink coffee with you and hear your life story. I also want to know more about this lilac scented sugar. Do you cook with it? Make lilac scented sugar cookies?

    I would like to eat those with our coffee.

    1. We can have coffee aand lilac sugar cookies then break out the wine. That's when the conversation really gets interesting LOL

  10. Mustang and a France trip? Wow! 2 of my favorite things in the whole world. I would have chosen the summer French immersion trip too btw.

  11. A house in the city where you can live your life on your own terms, and a farm in the country your can return to whenever you need re-charging - it sounds as if you have the best of both worlds.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".