
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Soundtack of Shame

     I've traded my coffee for a beer. Time to get down to some serious business here this Tuesday. This was our prompt for this week.

Music to My Ears.
 You could be the next American/Canadian Idol - what is your audition song?

     Well that's an easy one, an instrumental. I can't sing. I have a lovely baritone voice that when I try to sing a melody, written for a tenor, sounds like I'm strangling a cat. Does that stop me? Of course not, but I'm not about to go on national television. I sing along to the tunes on my iPod and have recently added a few things.

      You know how people always say to always wear clean underwear, ya know, just in case something happens. Or have a BFF who will erase all the porn on your hard drive so your Mom never finds out. I'm going to need my iPod playlist deleted.

    Here is the list of my latest. The toe tapping, sing along bits of shame to be removed in the event of my untimely demise.

Good Feeling by Flo Rida- kind of a neutral on the shame meter
Hangover by Taio Cruz and Flo Rida-Good Feelings with Taio's lyrics
Turn Me On-David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj-I love David Guetta, Nicki makes me want to pierce my eardrums with knitting needles. Her voice when she does her normal schtick grates on my nerves like few other things. Who knew she could sing?
Without You by David Guetta featuring Usher- Yes, I have more of both artists on my playlist
Stronger by Kelly Clarkson-I know, an Idol winner.
Girls Gone Wild by Madonna- Madge is a cultural pop icon, right?
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol-No, I have never seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy but I still like the tune.
Our Song Comes On by Kristina Maria -She also has the distinction of singing one of the songs I absolutely hate as well Let's Play. Makes my teeth hurt that one.
Feel So Close by Calvin Harris- Irresistible toe tapping, hair dancing fun.
We Found Love-by Rihanna featuring Calvin Harris-I've got nothin'

     That brings us to the if no other artist gets removed, for the love of God make sure this one disappears. Even worse, there are two songs, and three remixes on my playlist. I liked the songs but had no idea who sang them. Imagine my surprise. The humanity. Any guesses? Head hanging low. Really low.

     Selena Freakin' Gomez and the Scene. Okay, her videos suck, you never see the Scene so shorten the name but..... I have three remixes of Like a Love Song. Who knew putting a driving bass line behind sugary pop lyrics would be like crack to me. Embarrassing really. In my defense, I am still firmly NOT a Bieb-liever. His voice is like nails in my eyes. That's gotta count for something, right? Even if I do keep hitting re peat peat peat peat peat.

     Just as an added bonus, one that hasn't made it onto my downloads quite yet.
Follow the Leader by Wisin and Yandel featuring J Lo-Man oh man, J is still smokin'. I see it appearing on my iPod soon. Sigh.

     Drop by Rory's and see what other tunes we'll be singing. The porn, I've got that covered. ROFL



  1. You kids and your rock music! Why, back in my day...
    Don't worry, I made that Selena Gomez mistake myself. She's tricky, that one!

    1. Uhm, my day was four years before you, show a little repect for your elders. LOL I would have thought with four kids, you would have recognised all my list?

  2. Selena Gomez has that hate you, love you affect on me. I blame my 11 year old daughter.

    Visiting from Time Out for Mom. Great post!

    1. Thanks Kisma, you had a pretty funky list yourself.
      I don't have an 11 year old in the house to shift blame to.

  3. I can honestly say that I had never heard of Selena Gomez!

  4. Selena has talent unlike a lot of the new stuff out there, but her sugary pop isn't really my style. I do like the beat of both of these tunes. It does make you wanna dance or clean the house. Don't beat yourself up too bad coz you could be listening to a lot worse.

    Breeze through my post today. You'll find my response to Les's question buried, but if you stick it out you'll get there. lol

    Blogger Life & Family Life - Randomness

    1. Clean the house, bahahahahaha. I'll be dancin' though.
      Really, there is down from Selena? I keep wondering how I went from Bahaus and The Cure to here?

      I loved your music selection. We could get together and have a dance party LOL

  5. I don't think I've ever heard any of the songs mentioned on your list... does that make me old or just out of touch?

  6. Ok, since you admitted some interesting tunes, I'll admit that I can definitely feel the beat of Mily Cyrus's Party in the USA.

    1. I may have heard that tune by Ms Cyrus a time or two. She teams up with Timbaland for We belong to the Music, I have that one on my iPod

  7. should have one another's back, so I will delete your kitchy tunes...if you delete all the Disney songs from mine. Oh yes, Miley can be found lurking if you look in the right place. You may also find several versions of MMmmmbop. I have no defence.

    1. I knew I could count on you LOL
      I just realised I have a High School Musical II tune on there as well, and Miley.
      MMmmmmmbop, the Hansons? Really? Now I don't feel so bad, it must be genetic ROFL

  8. Lol - awesome list! Doesn't everyone have some guilty pleasure music on their iPod though? I say, listen to whatever you like and be proud! I admit, I'm almost 40 but Justin Timberlake gets thrown in the mix every once in a while, along with LMFAO - haha! Current obsession -Lana Del Rey.

  9. Thanks Anna, I've got a decade on you and you've seen my selection. Don't sweat Justin. LOL
    LMFAO is brilliant, love them.
    So many people have said I would love Ms Del Rey but... just not feelin' it I'll have to give her another listen.

  10. OMG. I think we're long lost besties. Okay, here's the plan I'll get all that off your Ipod, just promise me you'll never let my family see my bieber fever or *shhhhh* twilight movies. promise me. PROMISE ME!!!!

    1. You're making me laugh so hard right now. I'll nix the Bieb and the Twilight movies. PROMISE

  11. Selema Gomez is my JAM. i am not ashamed to admit that. i am, however, ashamed to admit that i know more taylor swift songs than i should. i am a 34 year old woman who still feels the rose bud petals of blooming teenage love. TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR? TURN THAT SHIT UP

    1. I'm thinking it's probably a good thing we live in different cities. Imagine the chaos we'd leave in our wake if we ever met IRL. Being a 47 year old man, listening to music aimed at the teen market, well what can I say? Apparently I'm supposed to know more Taylor Swift lyrics. You kill me. ROFLMAO


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