
Monday, May 28, 2012

House Proud?

     The last Listicle of May, can you believe how fast time has flown by? This week, 10 words to describe your house. Where I live in 10 words?

1 Full - Myself, Minion #1 and three tenants make for a very full house. In every sense.
2 Messy - See above

3 Funny-Refer to #1
4 Endless- As in the to do list. I bought a fixer upper, no further explanation needed.

5 Comfortable-I'm very comfortable in my house, the neighbourhood, the city.
6 Welcoming- My place has been described as having a "chill vibe". What can I say?

7 Lived in- Very. There will be no magazine shoots unless they are for the before pictures.
8 Convenient- To public transport, parks, schools, grocers and butchers, restaurants and the liquor store.

9 Haven- My place to retreat and unwind, especially in the garden during the summer.
10 Temporary- Because of my tenants, there is always an air of impermanence or change about the place.

     My house in 10 words, the place I call home.

I think the squirrels have been reading my blog.
Although I can applaud the delivery method,
Still not a Bieb-liever


  1. The house sounds great and I love the flowers!

    1. The house is an experience for sure. My garden helps with the sanity. It's a lot to ask from a garden LOL

  2. Your garden is beautiful! Fixer uppers are such a great idea until you start fixing ;)

    1. I try, still don't have your orchard though.
      The fixin', seemed like a good idea at the time??

  3. Thanks! I always wondered where Magazine "Before" photos were taken. I feel like I know a celebrity now!

    1. You're welcome Mark. They can start in my house then finish in yours. I've seen lots of pictures of your beautiful house.(and I already know you're a star)

  4. Haha...I definitely wasn't expecting to see the Biebs at the end of this post :) Your house sounds awesome. Ours would also be good for a before picture on a home makeover show. Or even just a show that involved some cleaning. But I like it, so it's fine.

    1. The squirrel buried/left five of those Bieb rings in my garden. I saw them running across the top of my fence with them. Squirrels as Bieb-lievers, what's next? LOL

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Terri. My garden brings me peace. (most of the time LOL)

  6. I love seeing all your flowers! I wish I could garden!

    1. Thanks Audrey. Just so you know, you're only seeing the best my garden has to offer. Who wants to see pictures of the things I've managed to kill LOL

  7. Are you taunting me with your lovely garden photos as I'm being tortured by anacondas and now skinks. Skinks I say.

    I'm totally telling people that our house is going to be in a photo the before shot. Thanks!

    And the squirrels buried Bieber in your garden, for real? I'm not a Bieb-liever, but it is a much better find than a snake. Just sayin'.

    1. Anacondas and skinks too?? Say it aint so. I guess Bieb stashing squirrels aren't so bad.

      I was really mad when I found the first one, I thought people were throwing garbage over my fence. Then I saw the squirrel hopping along the top of the fence with another, the I dug up one then another and another. Five in all. Squirrels spreading the word of the Bieb.

      Maybe your snakes could take care of my squirrels? Then we could call J Lo to take care of your anacondas. The skinks? I don't know.

      By all means use the before line, it works for me.

  8. Love the pictures! I would like it in that garden as well! It's so damn dry where we live that I only have river rock and grasses in my flower beds...
    Well, let me tell you about Justin Bieber - he is definitely a presence in our house, because my daughter is a belieber. And she uses the Justin Bieber perfume, but only let her spray it outside, before she goes to school because it smells so fruity that it makes me sick. I wonder if he is that fruity as well... ;)

    1. I do have to say being in my garden is nice. I plant for scent as much as colour. In the evening I have these incredible smells, the sound of water from my little fountain and the flickering light of the outdoor fireplace-add a beer or two and it's a little slice of heaven.

      I've seen beautiful Japanese style gardens done with rocks and grasses. I don't know how to put that together but Pinterest?

      Your daughter and my squirrels, ROFL

  9. Your comment about your house being used for "before" pictures sounds just like ours, too. :) Your flowers are lovely.

    1. My house always looks like a tornado has blown threw it. You never know what you'll find or where you'll find it.

  10. Magazine shoots are wildly overrated, I'd go for a fun, comfortable, welcoming, convenient haven any day!

    1. Me too. I'd say I wouldn't have it any other way but... is closing a cupboard door really that much to ask?? LOL

  11. A chill vibe sounds good to me! I think all houses are the "before" pictures at some time :) I love the pictures of your garden, that would be so nice and relaxing. I'm sure it helps to have some kind of haven or space to yourself, especially with all those room mates - yikes!

    1. Some time? sure.... I'll go with that ROFL
      The house mates keep me entertained and I've really met some incredible people. All slobs but....
      Theyy are the ones with all the SW stuff, the comics, five game systems. My place is like an un official frat house.

  12. Messy. That was on mine and about everyone else's. Wish my mom could read that. And Haven. That's a wonderful way to describe home.

    1. Even if my mom did read it she'd just say I was being lazy Her house at it's worst looks far better than mine at its best, and she cleans up after my Dad LOL
      For everything else my place is, it really is my haven.

  13. How dare those squirrels? That's hilarious! You have an amazing garden! I can imagine what a perfect haven your home would be!!!

    1. Thenks Jennifer, My Bieb loving squirrels. Who'd a thought. My place is a haven for me, but I've got a good immune system. LOL


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".