
Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Ultimate Blog Hop

     Another Monday, time to link up with Stasha and Listicles. The book prompt last week was genius. I now have a long list of new reads to look for. I've already picked up A Discovery of Witches, can't remember who recommended that and The Passage, thanks MannahattaMama even if you don't like my faves Dickens, Chekov, Don Quixote ...LOL and you too Jane Doe. I'll let you know how I enjoyed it when I finish.

     It's been a busy week/end here in the Kitchen.

     There is Movita's contest. That's right, you can vote for me TODAY (Monday after 8 am EST until 8 am Tuesday morning), right now. From every platform you own, can beg, borrow or steal. LOL I'm not sure if I'm in group 3 or 4. I'll be at work when the voting starts and my company has not only blocked access to Movita's blog but mine as well. I know.

    A friend is leaving the country, for good. Sad, but  it means a free place to stay if ever I find myself in Calcutta. Nedhi, I miss you already. Spent the weekend making a farewell treat for her. Then of course cookies for me, to ease the pain.

     Finally, been wracking my brain for a good post for Susi's new Thursday link up over at Boca Frau. The possibilities. She kicked off her meme with home make cream puffs. I know!

     Okay, on to this week. Anna over at The Mommy Padawan gave us these two choices.

#1 – list 10 things you really like about yourself, things you are good at, your super powers!
#2 – You have 48 hours free of all responsibilities and unlimited cash, what 10 things would you do, places you’d go, etc.

     Super powers, whoo hoo. Wait, I don't really have any super powers. I'm pretty handy in the kitchen or the garden but know of lots of people far more gifted in both areas. I like to DIY but, well, that's always a crap shoot, scratch that. There are two kind of brain boggling, mystifying talents I possess.

1 The ability to destroy sheets. I have no idea what is what but I've ruined my second fitted sheet so far this year? I must be the most energetic sleeper ever. No thread count can stand the test of my nocturnal thrashings.

2 The ability to fall down and/or knock over any thing, any where, any time, every time. I am astonishingly clumsy. As a dancer friend of mine once said, " You move well. Then you just fall down. For no reason. What is up with that?" as I was picking myself up off the floor, again.

     A dubious claim to fame at best but, it does have a few unexpected benefits.

1 Keeps me humble. Hard to get a big head when you're constantly falling up or down a flight of stairs.  Unless of course it's the swelling but a little ice will fix that.
2 Makes me creative. Shark attack, rescuing children from a burning building, taking down a mugger, always sounds way better than I whacked myself in the face with the car door splitting my own lip.
3 I know the value of an apology, as I dumped a friend's drink into his date's lap as I was introducing myself at the wedding reception. She was less than impressed. The second time.
4 The sight of blood doesn't faze me. I've seen so much of my own, really... No big deal.
5 I have a high tolerance for pain. See above.
6 It's usually pretty entertaining, some times down right awe inspiring. Bob-sledding down two flights of stairs, with my arm hooked over the railing really was a sight. My friend at the bottom was speechless, the doorman at the top, completely awe struck. He even complimented me, " I've never seen anyone do that before." "Are you sure you're OK?" That is a compliment, right?An inspiring performance really.

     Maybe super powers aren't my thing. Let's give the second prompt a try.

1 Buying the farm. My dream, I get to keep the toys. Now I have a place in the city and the country.

2 A truck. Farm boy at heart, no further explanation necessary.

3 The more money than brains car. Nothing spells practical for Canadian weather like a snappy little convertible.

4 The Ultimate Blog Hop.

      Imagine, if you will, being able to hop on your private jet and go visit the people behind your favourite blogs. I'd finally get to see Rorybore's place. I could go riding with Stasha. Check out the simple life with Mark. Cook with Movita or Eggton. Bask in the sun with Gemaine, see Alison's newest addition. Cruise Abu Dhabi with MannahattaMama, meet Jennifer. Swing down to Florida and see Susi and Hilary. Laugh along with Jane Doe, have bacon with The Sarcasm Goddess.  Drinks with the Kitchen Slattern. Ghost hunting with Jacqui. The fun I'd have. It would be epic. I'm sure I could even spin it into a television series, bypassing the whole 48 hour deadline. Livin' the dream.

      There it is, my mangled attempt at today's list. Now go vote. Drop by Stasha's, after you vote, then tweet and Facebook it so others can vote, for me right, and see what super powers or spending powers we all have. Subtle, non? Who knows, maybe this time I'll even get my mother to vote for me?


  1. I think we may be related somehow?! I'm the clumsiest person I know, and yes, it does keep a person humble. I've fallen up the stairs, down the stairs, tripped while running (numerous times), fell on the ice and landed on my face, should I keep going?
    And your ultimate blog hop sounds awesome, pick me up on the way, would you?

    1. ROFL, I feel your pain, literally. I always blame those pesky air molecules for getting in my way.
      The plane will have lots of room. I just won't run with you, well not far anyway. I'll be a booster instead. Who should we drop in on first?

  2. Can you start the ultimate blog hop over at mine and pick me up to join you with the rest of it?? Please. I will call your mom to vote for you in return!
    I am rather clumsy too. Specially when I am trying to impress. And if all else fails the kid and dog will embarrass me. Like today, while talking to a guy on a hike and pointing him to the best local trails, bored dog grazed and then promptly barfed on the dude's shoes. Then kid pointed it out. There.
    Will be back tomorrow to vote. x

    1. ROFL, children and pets, the great equalizers.
      We'll hop on the plane after we go riding.

  3. I love what you did with the list this week! I feel terrible that you keep falling but it sounds like you've never gotten seriously injured? Maybe your super power is "unbreakable"!

    Buying a farm and then traveling around to meet all the other bloggers you read and love - awesome, amazing, so fun! I've often wished I could do the same. Guess I'll have to wait for the lottery or my husband to buy Apple - haha! Great list Paul!

    1. Thanks Anna, You know what I have never broken anything. Cracked a few ribs but I was hit by a car so that doesn't count. Holy crap, unbreakable and I heal pretty fast, maybe I'm like Wolverine, with out the claws.
      The hop would be a blast.

  4. This was great!! And visiting the other bloggers---that's the perfect road trip right there! I just have to say that lots of people say they are clumsy, but judging from the list you might be the clumsiest person I know. Funny, Erin

    1. Oh no, I don't just say I'm clumsy, I provide proof. It always surprises people.

  5. It does sound like the most perfect blog hop, and since you have that groovy convertible, I say pack that puppy up in the private jet too, so when you head to each blogger you can arrive in style!
    Great list!

  6. Now that is the kind of blog hop I would LOVE! What a grand idea! I love your mangled attempt at the prompt. Made me smile.

    1. Thanks Stacey. It would be quite an experience. Of course I'd have to start a vlog...

  7. OMG - you're like Chaplin. genius. LOL

    I want in on that blog tour! I bet we could sell the idea to some network.

    off to vote

    1. Not quite, he did it on purpose. Me not so much.
      It would be a cool show, wouldn't it?
      Thanks for the vote.

  8. Wow. The ability to destroy sheets. That is truly amazing. And the blog hop sounds most fun.

    1. I have no idea how but I tear them to shreds. A friend told me my toenails must be like knives LOL (they're not) We could sit on the porch and sip mint juleps, I'll take mine without the mint, just the bourbon.

  9. i once tried to keep up with my friend at a concert, for every beer he had, i had to too. mind you, he is over 200lbs and i am... not. as he's paying the cab fare, i'm trying to exit said cab & dance at the same time (in defense, the song was really good. big up to Miley Cyrus!) and banged my lip on the car door. blood gushed, i turned to john and scream: WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME?!

    it just sounded better, you know?

    i want in on this blog hop of yours, first class tix of course, cus it is how i roll.

    1. LMFAO, that is the best clumsy come back ever! I somehow managed to to gash my foot rolling out of a cab one night clubbing. I woke up the next morning covered in blood. My room mate laughed herself sick at my freaking out. Apparently they all tried to doctor me up but I was having none of it. She said I put on quite the performance, blood everywhere, me oblivious. sigh Proud moments.
      Of course it'll be first class. Unlimited funds, I'll have the most tricked out ride in the sky. Room for all.

  10. PS. the Passage was a great book! i finished it in January and i still think about it sometimes.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading it, been well recommended.

  11. Lovely list :-) Yeah, blood doesn't bother me either. Never thought of it as a super power... (Monday Listicles)

    1. I think it has to be your own blood to qualify as a super power LOL

  12. I'm really clumsy too. I trip over air.

    1. I feel you. My father is kind of clumsy but my Mom...
      The two of us together are an accident waiting to happen.

  13. Love the blog hop idea; I'll start cleaning my house now. . .

    1. No need to go puttin' on airs on my account. Should I pick up Mark first or should we drop in on him?

  14. Blop Hop sounds Awesome!!! I love the farm / truck idea too!

    1. It would be a blast wouldn't it.
      Never get between a farm boy and his truck LOL

  15. Terrifically amazing! I love the farm and the truck the best. The blog meet-up sounds great, too!

  16. I do love the living in the city but the farm still calls to me. Maybe one day?


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".