
Monday, April 2, 2012

The Pleasure Principle

     This week Marina asked us to make a list of our guilty pleasures. The pleasure part is easy, lots of things to list there. Guilty, that's a bit harder, being the saintly creature I am of course. Okay, maybe it has nothing to do with being saintly. I have no one depending on me so it makes my indulgences a bit guilt free.

     For example, if I don't feel like cooking a nutritious meal, I'm the only one who suffers for it. If I stay up late watching bad sci fi movies, it's not like I have kids that won't get to school dressed the next day. Being child free does have some perks. Let me wrack my brain a bit, see what turns up.

1 Not shaving. I'm not overly hairy, it takes a few days for my scruff to go from kind of endearing  to creepy homeless guy. Last week, I skipped it all week. My boss didn't say a word. I know better, it looks bad, it's coming in heavily grey but I hate shaving and if I can get away with not, well...

2 Not getting my hair cut. Kind of hand in hand with the first. My hair is long, really long. It's not even that I like it that way, I just can't decide how I want it cut. Sounds ridiculous but true. I've been debating how I'd like my hair cut for the last 6 months, okay, 7 months.

Time for a trim?

3 Not cutting my lawn. Yep, I'm that neighbour. In my defense, cutting the grass is a colossal pain. I don't have a lawn exactly. There is a little patch of grass back and front, then one 12 inches wide that runs 80 feet long, all outside my fence. Between having the front dug up to replace water lines, then plumbing lines, then gas lines, the constant battle with my neighbours leaving garbage along the curb and people letting their dogs on my little patches of grass, let's just say it gives me a perverse sense of pleasure letting it go wild.

4 Not cooking. I can cook, I even like to cook but not all the time. I always feel guilty doing the take out thing, unless of course it's sushi. I can't make that and no I don't want to learn.

5 Not sharing. I don't feel bad about eating an entire tub of ice cream. I usually feel bad I hid it so I didn't have to share. Again, I usually do share my baking and canning so lots of cookies, muffins, squares, pies, jams, jellies and pickles do make the rounds.  The same apples to sharing my time. I have been known to stretch the truth a little about how busy I am just to get some alone time. Stop judging me.

6 Not house cleaning. My house is a disaster 24/7. Although I'm relatively tidy, none of that applies to my housemates. Unless I'm expecting guests, or cooking, I like letting the animals live in the mess they've created. I'm not the maid or Mom away from Mom and you're all adults. It means I spend a lot of time in the "cave" because I can't stand the mess but.... Besides it frees up time for

7 Reading. I can spend an entire day curled up with a good book, or two, ignoring all the frantic 911 do you know where, have you seen the, what's for dinner calls.

8 Cheez Whiz. I love the stuff. Imagine my surprise there is enough actual food in it that it can spoil. Who knew? On toast with cracked pepper, on celery or in Merrickville Mornay, I can't get enough of the stuff.

9 Pop tarts. No I'm not talking about the kind you put in the toaster. I mean the ones on my playlist. Apparently at my age, I'm not supposed to have P!nk, Avril, Bruno, Usher, Britney, David Guetta et al on my iPod.

10 Blogging. I spend way too much time on line. I'm sure my house is no different than yours, the endless to do list. I admit, I suffer pangs of guilt for the amount of time I spend reading and/or writing and ignoring all the other things I should be doing.

     Wow that was easier than I though. I guess it's good I don't have kids. Looking over my list it seems I'm still a big kid. Oh well, here's a little something not to feel guilty about. Part of my being better to yourself series.

No-Bake Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Treats

Almond Butter Squares:
1/4 cup            Almond Butter
1 tsp                Simply Organic Vanilla Extract
3 tbsp              Raw, Unpasteurized Honey
(or Lundberg Sweet Dreams Organic Brown Rice Syrup)
1 cup               Nature’s Path Rice Puffs

Heat almond butter, vanilla and honey in a saucepan over medium heat.  Mix in rice puffs and stir to coat.  Press into square pan or glass dish. Cool in fridge for at least 20 minutes and cut up into squares.

Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Freezer Cookies:
3/4 cup            Organic Rolled Oats (Bob’s Red Mill certified gluten-free)
1/4 cup            Camino Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1                      Organic Banana
1 tsp                Simply Organic Vanilla Extract
1 tsp                Camino Cocoa

Melt chocolate chips. Mash in banana and stir well.  Stir in vanilla, cocoa and oats.  Shape into desired cookie size and freeze for 30 minutes. Makes about a dozen.

Both are super easy and delicious!

       Both recipes are from my friend Erin, trying to keep me healthier. Good luck my friend. She is a certified naturopathic doctor so all the ingredients are organic. I don't always make them, okay I have never made them with all organic ingredients. Sorry Erin, you tried. Both are tasty treats to satisfy your sweet tooth that aren't actually bad for you. It's the little things.

     Head on over to Stasha's and see all of our guilty pleasures.


  1. I should definitely have some of these on my list. I spent all day Saturday reading...finished a whole book. Although it was raining all day anyway, so I don't feel all that guilty about it. :)

    1. That's how I spent Sunday, although I did call my parents too so...

  2. Nothing wrong with being a little kid when you are big :) I am now on pins and needles for the day you decide to cut your hair. Whatever will you choose? And those too look easy enough. Must tell Sue, she needs ideas for her sons new diet.

    1. Glad about that cuz I'm still a big kid.
      Now I really do have to make a decision, the pressure LOL
      Those recipes are easy and tasty too. Win, win

  3. This is an excellent list! I definitely don't share my ice cream or shave as much as I "should." I hate shaving.

    1. Share and ice cream really should never be in the same sentence anyway. Shaving is a pain, here's to the "au naturel" look LOL

  4. Hubby can go for days without shaving, too... good thing I like the scruffy look! And I know what you mean by spending too much time on the computer writing and /or reading blogs. But we gotta have time for ourselves, right??? :)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
      I'm always amazed how fast time flies when I'm online. Hours gone in the blink of an eye.

  5. Thanks Paul and Erin (and Stasha for directing me here today) for these GF recipes. Can't wait to try them and crossing fingers the little guy likes them!

    I'm with you on the reading thing. Have a fantastic hairy day! :-)

    1. You're welcome and good luck. I have one more for tomorrow.
      Grizzly Adams it is LOL

  6. Yeah, I live in a community where they leave little notes on your door if your yard snt tidy enough. I'm getting tired of those notices and shoud probably weed. Your neighbors would probably dislike me too! Lol love your list. Found you on the blog hop, and I am now following you (creepy) :-)

    1. Wow, I'd probably have full on essays tacked to my door. LOL
      Thanks for the follow, I'll be over to your space soon myself.

  7. I love not cleaning the house, too! And Pop Tarts.

    1. Here's to dancing around in our messy houses

  8. Yeah, you need a hair cut like nobody's business! Plus, I wanna see what you're hiding under there. Should I be afraid?
    Your Friend, m.

    1. I finally caved and got it cut, you'll see what i've been hiding. You should be scared of all the awesome gorgeousness I'm about to unleash ROFL

  9. Blogging IS a guilty pleasure!! You nailed it, and keep us updated on the haircut---can't wait to see what you decide to do. Erin

  10. Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Treats sounds like a huge bundle of oxymorons to me. Although they do sound good considering the ingredients.

    Do you shower every day? My husband doesn't and it drives me crazy. It's not like he stinks, it's just...why is it so much trouble?

    1. It does sound like that doesn't it. Surprisingly tasty though.
      I do not. I have very sensitive skin and if I shower everyday I get exzema, badly. Most North Americans shower too often anyway, not great for the skin. Just saying.

  11. PS: WHY AREN'T YOU ON TWITTER YET?? C'mon, man!

    1. I have been limiting myself to an hour of online time on school nights, 2 on the weekends. Throw in Twitter and I'm lost.

  12. Yes I agree with Jen - time to tweet! Come on into this century!
    And yes, time for a trim!
    PS: The chicken wings in bed thing was *a bit much* however how can I - late-night Cheezit crumbler - judge?

    1. I don't need another reason to be called a Twit.
      If the chicken wings is too much I won't mention the pizza, sushi, veal sandwich ... ROFL

  13. I know have an explanation for my love affair with Cheese Whiz...clearly it's genetic. Left Brain is disgusted by it. yea, this from the man who pairs KD, tuna and salsa.
    my 2nd week away from the Listicles - the DT's have long past and now I am just glum. I really hope the fix LB is doing tonight to our main computer works. I can write my own post, but it takes forever to visit all the other blogs and leave comments on this old laptop.
    buying Pop Tarts tomorrow....the toaster kind.

    1. I'm having computer issues myself this week, hence the late reply.
      KD, tuna and salsa? Anything to mask the taste of the KD I guess, blech. I'm sticking with my Cheez Whiz.

  14. I may have to try those almond butter squares! My husband will push it with the shaving thing too, guess it's kind of a pain to deal with, just like the yard :) You'll have to post a picture once you get that haircut!

    1. The squares are good and you can sub the almond butter for peanut, hazelnut, what ever kind you like.
      I'll have to post a picture of the cut next week LOL

  15. I was wondering if Rory could help you with a hair style idea...

    My husband is also a fan of Cheez Whiz, although poor guy doesn't really get to eat it. Maybe I'll get him a can to surprise him.

    Thanks for posting those recipes...they look tasty! :)

    1. Rory's husband is a police man so , I've done the military cut to death.
      Everyone should have Cheez Whiz, LOL
      Healthy food doesn't have to be complicated or taste like cardboard.

  16. Being carefree and lazy with your hair and lawn should TOTALLY make you feel guilty. But I'd be right there with you if it weren't for the Little Monsters.

    Also, Cheeze Whiz, well the Easy Cheese from the can...I call is "squeezy cheese" and am now craving some cheddar bacon, thank you very much!

    1. Being care free and lazy does indeed make me feel incredibly guilty, but I can live with that LOL.
      I don't think we can buy the spray cheese here in Canada, haven't seen it in years.

  17. Both of those treats sound delicious! I'll have to try them, for sure. And I hear you on the guilty pleasures. I'm not a fan of shaving, or cooking, or mowing either. Thankfully, I only have to do one of those things consistently.

    1. Hope your little one likes them. They're both easy to make and tasty too. Fingers crossed.


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