
Monday, March 26, 2012

Making Life Easier

     I can't believe it's Monday again. I just finished reading all the posts from last week. Stasha you're getting too popular and the rest of you are just too damn funny. I usually get lost back tracking through your posts, spending hours and hours reading and chuckling away.  The list.

     This week Terri wanted us to list 10 things, people or services that make our lives easier, bonus for pictures. Coincidentally, I stumbled upon this blog reading through the comments of yet another blog. That Jane Doe is hilarious and she had already done what I wanted to do. Take pictures of me bonding with my things. So scratch that idea, it's been done, and well. I know, the list, it's coming.

     I thought it would be easy. Then I got thinking, which 10 things? In the kitchen, the garden, life in general, blogs. How to choose? BTW, the wild grape jelly turned out awesome. The hardest part will be keeping a jar for Katie as a thank you. She is armed after all. All right, the list already.

10 things that make life easier.

10 Beer. Under your influence, I'm funnier, smarter, invincible.

9 The idiot box. With a push of your remote, I can lull the restless natives into a stupor. And get them off my back. Yes, I know it's cold in here, some one turned off the furnace. Yes I can smell that, close the lid on the compost bucket. Yes I do know who's dirty socks those are balled up in the sofa. Yes, this is very hot, now is not the time for a hug and if you make me burn myself there will be hell to pay. Just go watch television, please. It doesn't hurt that there is an Xbox and a PS3 to go with it.

The Hi Def flat screen is in my bedroom
right where it belongs

8 My iPod. Yes the original shuffle. With the idiot string so I don't lose you. With you blaring, all the other noise just drifts away.

7 My books. I'm instantly transported away or smarter when I open your pages.

A little bedside reading
Scarily enough, this is from Christmas on and I have another pile on my drafting table

6 My camera, with the crucial neck strap so I don't drop you. Maybe not as stylin' as Greta's but still. Maybe I'll add a manly rivet or two?

5 The dishwasher. Not only do you save me time, you double as an island and a catch all for my kitchen.

4 My equipment, both selves of them, all the drawers and cupboards full. You make me shine in the kitchen in half the time, with half the effort.

3 My computer (and attached modem for all the wonders of the interweb) I'd be lost with out you.

2 The coffee maker. Yes, you're old, you've seen better days but I will not abandon you. You've had my back for decades, the one who never complains but always comes through, supplying me with my beloved coffee. Don't ever leave me. Really. Don't. Ever. Leave.

Poor battered old thing, covered in age spots
 Time for a good bath maybe
Not to worry, I won't be trading you in for the trophy Keurig
1 Hands down number one thing that makes life easier, the clan. No, not that clan, my family. With almost a hundred years of experience to draw on, you are my resource for everything: gardening, cooking, home repairs and renos, blogging, anything. Whether I'm in need of a laugh, a cry or a good old fashioned scolding, you've always got my back. No pictures, you're all all over the blog already.

     Drop by Staha's and see what else make life easier.


  1. Great list. I recognize the coffee maker from an earlier post. I hope it appreciates your loyalty! And I especially like that your family makes life easier for you. No matter how much mine drives me crazy from time to time...they do the same for me. :)

    1. Yeah, the man cave coffee pot lives on. I've gone through three in the kitchen upstairs but old faithful ...
      I never said mine didn't drive me crazy sometimes, but I would be lost without them.

  2. You need to get a Keurig. You might never leave the house again! Plus, they come in black. Whose dumb idea was it to make coffeemakers white anyway?

    1. I have a Keurig, in the kitchen upstairs. It never gets used. Old Fathful is with me in the man cave. Maybe the white thing is so you know when to clean it? Like that's gonna happen LOL

  3. that may be the oldest coffee maker I have ever seen! LOL
    but as long as it would have my undying loyalty too. I have to talk dirty and give my Keurig a few good smacks most days.
    Perhaps a return to the simpler things is the way to go.
    great list as always -- a cold Keith's would have been great during last weeks' thaw.

    1. That coffee maker is my most enduring relationship. I rad about your little S&M routine with your coffee maker. Desperate times.
      The cold Keiths, they were perfect last week. Not so much today.

  4. Paul I love your coffee maker. (-:
    It's not old, it's "vintage." !
    PS: On the Irish stew recipe front - soon I will post one but basically all you do is roll stew meat (lamb or beef) in flour, brown it (always in butter, don't go low-cal go for flavor!) then add chicken stock, carrots, potatos - 1/2 c. red wine or even Guinness if you like - and slow cook it. Salt and pepper. There you go - delish. The one tip is a boiled stew is a ruined stew - slow and steady, the longer you cook it the nicer. Really good served the next day. (-:

    1. LOL, like your spin, vintage or the best 15 dollars I ever spent.
      Irish stew it will be, maybe with dumplings too. My favourite cold weather comfort food. Thank you.

  5. I love your old coffee pot and now I like you even more knowing that you didn't "quit it".

    1. I'm nothing if not loyal my friend. Besides, it never disappoints.

  6. Sweet list Paul! I do believe family is high up on the list, but beer is too!

    1. Some times the beer helps deal with the family, win win LOL

  7. OK, your coffee pot screams love to me. If I find something I like I will be loyal forever. You get triple points for photos, quadruple points for visiting everyones lists and infinity points for being the cool guy you are!

    1. Thanks Stasha. I've had that coffee pot for so long, it has outlasted houses and relationships. LOL

  8. A "little" bedside reading? LOL

    1. Books are a serious weakness for me. I have hundreds of them all over the house. I can never resist their siren call.

  9. Oh geez, I forgot to list my coffee pot! Of course, mine's not nearly as cool as yours, but still. I should have. Your list is awesome. I totally get most of it. For me, no beer....yes yes yes wine. NOW I know why you use a "Church key"! Cool. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing with us Paul!


  10. Coffee is important. If I had to choose between coffee and beer.... The Chuch key is essential, not all bottles are twist offs. LOL

  11. Number one suprised me! :) Sweet! Your Hi Def flat screen and your battered coffee maker are dear beauties.

    1. Family comes first, always. Coming from such a large one I never really appreciated how good I had it. I assumed everyone was like me, lots of support. Imagine my surprise.

  12. I highly agree with many things on your list, especially beer. And that's a very well loved coffee maker. :) I'm interested, what's the ONE thing in your kitchen(besides the coffee maker) that you can't live without?

    1. Beer is very near and dear to me. LOL A very well loved coffee maker.

      ONE thing I can't live with out in the kitchen. That's a tough one. I go with a good 8 inch chefs knife. short enough to pare with if you have to but long enough to chop with as well.

      As for appliances, tie between the stand mixer, makes life so much easier, my food processor, everything from margheritas to pie dough or my immersion blender. smooths out sauces, makes perfect pesto and has a grinder attachment for making almond meal etc.

  13. That coffee maker has stories to tell. Those babies were meant to LAST! I agree with Ado - it's "vintage", not old.

    My hubs would be thrilled you listed beer - though I'm not sure it makes his life "easier" since he makes his own... :)

    I love a house full of books.

    1. That coffee maker has been in my bedroom for most of the last two decades. We have a strict don't ask, don't tell, don't judge policy. LOL

      Makes his own? any good?

      I love a house full of books as well, always have.

  14. The dishwasher and coffee maker, those are lifelines.

    Wow. Your coffee pot must have 9 Lives. We kill one about every 4 months or so.

    1. What was life like before the dishwasher?
      I have no idea why that coffee post in my "cave" has lasted so long. We've gone through a couple in the kitchen and they don't get used anywhere near as much.

  15. You are pretty funny yourself there - love your list! And I love that you have books, real paper books, not e-books! Guess I'm an old fashioned girl that way. Computer and iPod - very awesome as well! Great List :)

    1. Thanks Anna. I can understand the convenience of an e reader but still love the feel of an actual book.

  16. Great list! I love that old coffee maker. And I have that original iPod Shuffle too - I finally got a regular iPod Nano for the first time last year, so I've moved on, but I used that Shuffle for several years.

    1. That shuffle is quickly getting to be like the coffee maker. Won't quit and I can't be bothered to replace it 'til it does. Of course my 10 year old cousin who has an iPod touch, laughed at me and mine.

  17. Computer, camera, and books. Wonderful. Why didn't I think of those?! ;)

    1. Books are an old and eduring favourite, I use my computer always, can't imagine being with out it and the camera is my newest toy.

  18. Ah the coffee pot! LOVE IT! And the books!

    1. That coffee pot, my most faithful companion. The books, I have hundreds.

  19. Hey! I found you! You found me through Mark and now I found you. Cue the music: It's a Small World After All! Oh, and you gave me a shout-out, which was my second shout-out in less than a week, which means I just about peed my pants(I don't get out much.)!

    I say keep the coffee pot as long as it works. They don't make things like they used to, they make things to break so you have to buy another one. Or so says my Mother.

    1. LOL, yes you've found me. We can both blame Mark.
      That coffer maker is going no where, ever.
      My Mom says the same thing.
      Now I can't get it's a small world out of my head.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".