
Friday, February 17, 2012


     Praise the Lord and pass the tequila, it's Friday again. Time to link up over at Just Jennifer and share some random happy to end the work week.

Where to start, cuz there's a bunch this week?

1 It's a long weekend thanks to Family Day here in Canada on Monday.

2 I've had some great guests in the Kitchen this week, here and here and more coming too. The Social Media February has been my best idea so far.

3 I now feel completely justified in my fear of spiders. It could happen and it explains why my house looks like it does.

4 I'm getting all caught up on lots of things so this weekend I'm taking some advice and I'm just going to take it out and play with it. Not really my comfort zone but that's what everyone has been saying so... I'm taking my new camera out for a spin. I got a great new little DSLR for Christmas and am finally going to get to test it out. Hopefully pictures to follow, after I get the huge fingerprint smudge off the lens, the first thing I did trying to get it out of the box. Maybe there won't be pictures???

     Three days of bliss, nothing on the agenda more strenuous than beer, blogging and playing with my new toys. If only every weekend was like this.

     What's got your happy on this Friday?


  1. the grandparents are here, which means a date night for me and Left Brain. there will probably also be beer and toys. What? I mean the Wii Golf Masters. jeepers.
    Have a good one!

  2. ROFL, sure Wii Golf Masters, we'll go with that . Have a great time with Left Brain this long weekend.

  3. Why do so many American and Canadian holidays coincide? We have Presidents Day this Monday.

    Ooh, my friend Jessica at Anything But, and Then Some & MyBelovedAdoria just got a DSLR and she is having so much fun with it! Can't wait to see what you shoot!

    I SWEAR I'm gonna get you a Twitter post! It is on my list of things for my weekend. OK? :-)

    1. I'm looking forward to having the weekend with my new toy. My old point and shoot is done, light leaks that now ruin about half of my pictures.
      Can't wait for the Twitter post but in all fairness you'll be the only guest who has a double post so... Completely worth waiting for. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Ohhh, you got a DSLR. Which one? I'm slightly scared of those and just upgraded from a point and shoot to a micro four thirds... we went away for the weekend and I finally got to take it out for a spin. Love it. Can't wait to see some pics!!!! :)

    1. I got a Canon EOS the Rebel XS. Scared of mine too. It's expensive, I'm clumsy... enough said. Got the neck strap on already so hopefully no accidents. I'm gonna do some side by sides and see if I can tell the difference.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".