
Monday, February 6, 2012

Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll

     That's right, Par-tay. This week's Listicle topic, What are your passions? Jackie over at Not Wifezilla provided the prompt in memory of a good friend.

     What are my passions? I always sort of equate passion with something like Mother Theresa helping the poor in Calcutta or Doctors Without Borders. I'm not really that kind of person, all fired up about any one thing in particular. I tend to be more moderate, not really in the extreme. That''s why the cheeky title.

     After a little thought, I remembered the movie, Auntie Mame. (The original Rosalind Russell vehicle although I did like Lucille Ball's remake it was funny to see Bea Aurthur before Maude and The Golden Girls) There is a line in the movie, Life is a banquet and most poor slobs are starving. That really does kind of sum up how I feel about life in general.

1 Life. I want to live my life. Whether that means going on the largest roller coaster I can find or trying something new and falling flat on my face, I try to push myself a little to go out and explore all that life has to offer. I try and not let fear, convention or doubt hold me back.

2 Tolerance. Few things get my back up faster than intolerance. I have never understood how what someone else believes is any kind of threat to what I feel to be true or vice versa. The world is a big place with room enough for all of us.

3 Art. Any kind, music, dance, sculpture, theatre, movies, literature. I'm constantly amazed looking at the world through the eyes of the artist.

4 Literacy and Education My main interest is in adult learning. I can't imagine trying to get though life unable to read but about a third of Canadians read below a 5th grade level.

5 Family From tracing my roots to getting to know the many scattered relatives better, family is right up there for me.

     Those are the big ones, the rest are things I enjoy, I'm not sure if they'd really qualify as passions.

6 Cooking. I love everything about cooking except the dishes.

7 Skiing I've skied since I was little and few things compare to that rush you get careening down the slopes.

8 Riding Another thing I've done since childhood.Communing with nature on a leisurely trail ride to galloping through the "sallies" playing tag.

9 Gardening It must be the farmer in me, I love to try and grow things. They usually end up on the table so it's a win win for me.

10 Writing Everything from the traditional pen and paper to blogging. Getting the ideas outside my head and being able to examine them helps keep me sane.

     Maybe that title wasn't so cheeky after all. Rock n Roll is maybe a little too specific. Drugs, caffeine and alcohol count right? Most of the others make me violently ill, no idea why I had such a bad reputation as a teen. As for the sex, well I am a Scorpio. Enough said.

11 Properly loading the dishwasher. Just throwing in a bonus one here. There really is only one way to properly load the dishes. My life's work will be complete when I have passed on that little bit of wisdom.

     Drop by Stasha's to see what else made the list. What gets your blood pumping?


  1. Well number #6 is a guy thing for sure. #7, #8 and #9 I kinda knew we have lots in common, but you really are superfly. As for #11 I want a post and a diagram and I feel you will be a step closer to your goal.
    The first five are absolutely wonderful. Way to go Paul!

    1. Funny you should say 6 is a guy thing. I have heard people say they acrually like doing laundry or dusting or vacuuming but I don't know anyone who enjoys doing dishes. The only thing worse than dishes is eating off of disposible ones.
      I didn't know we share 7, 8 and 9. We have to go riding for sure one day.

  2. Number 1 and 2 - AMEN! Number 7 made me laugh - "careening" down the slopes it exactly what I do. The only thing that stops me is crashing into something or being crashed into.

    1. Wouldn't life be sweet? As for 7, my careening is normally a bit more controlled than that and I'm very talented at falling ROFL

  3. Thanks Stasha, I HATE doing dishes, that's why I'm such a clean cook. I'll work on that post for #11. share my "wisdom/OCD" with the world. LOL

  4. Loading the dishwasher? I read an article on proper way once and realize I do it all wrong. I tried to reform but slipped back into my careless ways. All wonderful, true passions - Art. That is a good one.

    1. Art is probably the one I enjoy the most. Getting a glimpse a how some one else sees the world is facinating to me.

  5. Properly loading the dishwasher is a crucial skill. My husband does the dishes, but each night before I turn it on, I have to rearrange it. I think he is slowly trying to drive me crazy.

    1. LOL, I'm so glad I'm not alone in my crazy. I had no idea the dishwasher caused problems for anyone else.

  6. I really loved your list. Until I came to number 11...which appears to be a contradiction. Are you saying that you're intolerant of the way some people load the dishwasher? ;)

    1. I didn't say I couldn't be a hypocrite. I see it more as correction rather than intolerance. LOL

  7. Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell is one of my all time favorite movies!! Anyways glad you listed cooking, and then loading the dishwasher! LOL At my house I'm usually just happy someone other than me loads it!

    1. Mine too, it always makes me smile when I see it. What a way to live life.
      I try and be happy that some one else is putting dishes in the dishwasher then I see what they've done, that those dishes won't come clean and I'm back to square 1.

  8. love the beginning. And really wish I could get back into skiing again. I have somewhat fond memories of being woke up at dawn to do that winding drive to Calabogie and Sherry daring me to go down "suicide run" for a Wonderbar. with no poles. which of course, I did.
    Yes, #11 requires a further post. Left Brain can offer tips if you need any.
    I'll be over here blogging and drinking coffee while you men figure it out and do up some sketches :)

    1. Sherry and that Wonderbar thing she used to do, hilarious.
      Not having great skiing close by is one thing I really don't like about being in TO.
      The dishwasher, who knew it would touch a nerve with so many people?

  9. What is the proper way to load the dishwasher?! Sounds like a great follow-up post. Looking forward to reading about it.

    1. What did I unleash? I guess I'll have to get that done then. LOL

  10. Paul, this is my lame attempt at making it up to you for not reciprocating on the award. Hope you don't hate me. :)

    I love that you garden! Something about getting your hands in the dirt and growing things is so satisfying, isn't it?

    1. I love playing tag, it will just take me a bit to get around to it. Very behind here.
      Gardening is a lot of work but I agree so very satisfying. And I get to eat a lot of what I grow, even more satisfying.

  11. My list? It would look EXACTLY like your list, (except for #8). And I don't careen down the slopes anymore since I took a bad spill and really injured myself. Now I take it real slow.

    Where do you like to ski? I grew up near Talisman and Blue Mountain, and our first house was a chalet on top of Mount St. Louis Moonstone.

    1. I've had a couple of good crashes but thankfully no injuries. I like a slow pace too but there has to be at least one challenge in the day LOL

      My favourite place to ski is probably Mont Tremblant outside of Montreal. I've been going there for decades. Growing up in the Ottawa valley, I learned to ski at Calabogie so it still has a soft spot in my heart but I skied all over the area. Camp Fortune, Edelweis, Grey Rocks. I'd love to do Whistler one day. I haven't skied locally here in Toronto so I haven't checked out any of the spots you mentioned. Cool that you had a house on the slopes, that would be incredible.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".