
Monday, February 20, 2012

I'd Rather Be...

     The Family Day edition of Listicles with Stasha. This week, Wendy from Twisted Domestic Goddess picked the topic, ten things you'd rather do than clean the house. She's been on vacation and dreading returning to the mess of the "frat house". I think we might be living  slightly parallel lives.

     I am no one's idea of a good housekeeper, sorry Mom. My house is regularly, embarrassingly messy. The Christmas decorations are still up in the living room and nobody's buying it as a Winterlude theme. Four kids to clean up after, other people's kids, and quite frankly, I don't do maid very well. Household chores are exactly that, chores. If I liked doing them then they wouldn't be hardships, they'd be hobbies. 

     Instead of cleaning the house, I'd rather be...

1 Watching The English PatZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
2 Public speaking
3 Writing a fan letter to Mel Gibson, Kim Kardasian or Chris Brown.
4 Doing a relationship quiz.
5 In a job interview,
6 Reading a Jackie Collins novel.
7 Writing an exam.
8 Manscaping
9 Having a price check done while buying condoms. (or tampons, yes I've been that friend) Ya gotta love drugstore intercoms. 
10 Having a prostate exam.

     Yep, that's how much I like cleaning the house. I admit, I like the sense of accomplishment of having everything all spic and span. It just never lasts. I suppose there are always those plastic slip covers. Maybe drop cloths.

     In no what related news, very excited about tomorrow's guest post. Sorry, no spoilers, you'll have to drop by Tuesday and see the extreme awesomeness yourself.

     In very related news, our lovely and gracious hostess with mostest will be a guest here on Friday. In honour of that, I finally figured out how to have her Listicles badge show up inside my post. I know, I'm all appreciative like that LOL.

     Enough of the shameless self promotion. Drop by Stasha's and see what we'll all be doing instead of cleaning our houses.


  1. What a fun post. I actually enjoyed The English Patient, and well, about that prostate exam: prevention is worth a pound of damn, why did I not get my prostate checked earlier?? Do it for the children.

    I found your comment at my site in spam. Sorry Askimet was being rude.

    1. The English Patient is one of those love it or hate it, I know so many people who think I'm the devil because I didn't like it.
      The prostate exam althouh unpleasant is at lesat blessedly short and only once a year-cleaning my house isn't.
      LOL, I guess Askimet sets a high standard.

  2. manscaping.....LOL... I can't get past that one. LOL

    1. You listed shaving your legs....
      The post manscaping would be LMFAO

  3. The manscaping one got me too. Similar to my preference for being waxed from eyebrow to toe, I think. And yours now makes three listicles that dissed Kim K. (you, me, Ado). I suppose I have to concede that she serves a purpose - fodder for ridicule.

    1. Extreme personal grooming, ya gotta love that LOL.
      I may grudgingly concede she is not a complete waste of perfectly good DNA.

  4. There's a theme showing up in these listicles today, and the name "Kardashian" keeps showing itself. Ha! But job interviews and Jackie Collins? That's hard core! :)

    1. What's more fun and time wasting than Kardashian bashing. They just make it so easy.
      My list of things are unpleasant but at least over quickly, cleaning my house is just, well, .....

  5. Wow! You really don't like house cleaning, huh? What's funny is that I'd rather clean your house than do any of those things you listed. We'd make a wonderful pair. As long as you cook!

    1. Be very, very careful Mark. You've never seen my house and I can indeed cook.

  6. Ooh yes. One of those price checks is definitely better than cleaning the house, any day .... even with a long inquisitive line

    1. Why is it there is never a need for a price check on say tooth paste when there's that long inquisitive line. It's always gotta be something you're a little self conscious buying. A little embarassment is still better than cleaning the house though

  7. It's always with the elderly lady behind the counter too when you're buying condoms or tampons, right?

    1. ROFL, always or the tatted up teen with parti coloured hair who gives you the "What a perv" stare.
      Still better than cleaning the house.

  8. Funny you. I might have to draw the line at Jackie Collins...
    I love your post and can I admit to you and general public I love your comments on other sites just as much. So who is here tomorrow?? Not Mel or Kim I hope!

    1. I had a friend who loved her stuff and ... V C Andrews, I think, the Flowers in the Attic writer. Seen and read bits of those fine examples of writing.
      Trashy and formulaic but still better than mopping the floor.
      I'm quite proud I've gotten better at the commenting thing. Still get the brain freeze some times but... baby steps.
      Sorry, no peeking even for you. I can tell you it is not Mel or Kim or Chris. The mind reels contemplating what their posts would be like.

  9. Replies
    1. LOL, slightly more enjoyable than laundry. Hey what a great sales pitch, no?

  10. OK, babe, you are my new hero. I adore that you admitted to maybe, sometimes, once in a while, manscaping. I adore that you link up on something named Listicles, and I adore your list. You are putting it all out there and to me (at least) that's what this weirldy-wild blogging thing is all about! I now need to meet to meet you, like, crazy soon. Huge hugs and take best care!

    1. Thanks Rachel, I may just have to give manscaping it's own post. You're more than welcome to drop by the Kitchen if ever yor're here in Toronto. Just give me some notice so I can clean up first LOL

  11. If I were you I'd totally draw the line at a prostate exam. I draw mine at dental work. Cleaning will always be better than that!

    1. If only I could. Big deal for men's health though. Being healthy is definitely better than clean house.

    2. I share your pain with the dentist-HATE having my teeth worked on. Very sensitive, all my life Oh the humanity

  12. This is so funny. Hard to pick a favorite, because really all of these are so good, but I have to go with the letter to Mel G., Kim K., and Chris B. Hilarious!

  13. Bahahahaha your list has me cracking up! I don't think cleaning could be as bad as public speaking though.

    1. Maybe not as bad but definitely shorter time frame.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".