
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In the dark

     So, this week's coffee chat was a prompt. You're home alone, the power goes out.... what do you do?

     This is an easy one, but before I forget, I must back track briefly to last week, at the movies. It's your fault I remember this Rory so... Rory was talking about Corey , can't remember which one, led to the horrible reality show "The Two Coreys", got me thinking about stars in the 80's and Voila - Mega Python vs Gateroid. I swear it's a real movie, it was just on television.

     Why is this mention worthy? The stars, 80's singing sensations Tiffani vs Debbie Gibson (no one isn't mega python) There is even a slapping catfight between them. Gold I tell you. Truly one of the worst movies ever made. Who knows, maybe we'll see Justin and Selina square off in 20 years. We can only hope.

     Fast forward to this week, no power, home alone blah blah blah, what would I do? NOTHING
If by some miracle I had the house to myself, I'd relax and enjoy it. I don't have kids (of my own) so I'm pretty worry free. I have had the power go out on two occasions for extended periods.

     The summer was fine. Cooking on the BBQ, fire in the outdoor fire pit, drinking all the beer before it got warm. You've got to have priorities. It was an enjoyable and relaxing summer evening. Best part, I had an excuse to be late for work the next morning,  no alarm clock.

     The 26 hours without power in February were another matter at 28 degrees below zero. I always have candles around, I like the smell of them so we had some light. Then of course one of my housemates came down stairs with a full on light sabre to light up the room. Who are these tenants of mine?? Monkey Boy would have loved it.

     I have a gas stove so that was on for heat. The furnace is gas but without the electric fan, no heat cycle. My hot water is gas as well so that was fine. I am prepared so an old plug into the wall phone, we can contact the outside world. All good.

    I was amazed how fast the house cooled off. Strangely my stove does not heat three floors of house and 52 degrees is not comfortable. My "cave" was the coldest part of the house. The main floor was actually okay and upstairs was cool but bearable.

     The worst part was watching the grid come back on line. Across the street, power was back in a couple of hours, down the street the other way in about 12. I remember watching out the window (not scaring myself with my reflection) seeing Toronto light back up. Seeing the city go dark is a weird experience, but I'm prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse so...

     I can and have survived. Swing by Rory's and see how everyone else copes. Tomorrow, I'd like to thank the Academy. That's right, I got an award. Tell you all about it then.


  1. Oh SQUEEEE.....I have to see that movie! catfight between Tiffani and Debbi!? don't tell me, but I think I'd put $$ on Tiffani.
    Our furnace broke down the winter Zoo Zoo was is very surprising how fast a house can get cold! We do have a gas fireplace, and the fan was on because it wasn't a loss of power.. that's the only thing that kept us all home. We would have had to leave for sure.
    Monkey Boy will most certainly request pics of the light sabre!
    thanks for chatting!

    1. I did say worst movie ever made, but seriously you have to watch it. I want to know how they stuffed T into that black cocktail dress, you'll know what I mean. Gravity defying I tell you.
      Canadian winter, no heat, no fun. I'm always amazed the homeless survive.
      Will work on those pics.

  2. can reply on Blogger now? I went through comment hell for months, and now you can reply on Blogger??
    damn that Murphy!

    1. I know, I was pretty excited. Funny,Intensedbate hasn't been giving me any problems lately. Must be scared. LOL

  3. Funny how you'd have to deal with the cold while I have to deal with the intense heat when the power goes off. We're in 2 different worlds! :)

    1. I'm thinking I really want yours, LOL. I hate being cold.

  4. No power and 28 degrees below zero - no thank you!

    1. Not the most fun I've ever had I can tell you but I was lucky. Friends of mine had no power and electric everything. They slept in their coats.

  5. Oh, dear. My images of Tiffani and Debbie are ruined! :)
    That was good you had those gas powered resources to help you feel a little more comfortable when the power was out. I've never had to go through a power outage for more than 8 hours or so. I hope I don't ever have to go long than that!
    Your housemate's idea of the light saber was brilliant. :)

    1. LOL, Debbie is also in the classic, Mega Shark vs the Giant Squid, WTH?
      Toronto has had some bad power outages, some as long as 5 days. Thankfully never in my neighbourhood.
      Who has a full scale working replica of a light sabre? It was pretty awesome though.

  6. I always think it would be easier losing power in the summer. . . The bbq and such. In Florida it is not so much fun during thr height of summer and hurricane season. The power goes out here we will more than likely not be around. . . but off somewhere enjoying all that electricity has to offer!!! :)

  7. My homesteader ancestors whould hang their heads in shame, but I'm right there with you LOL


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