
Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'll Show You Mine

     That's right folks, I'm going to show you mine. Why, because Jennifer asked me to. Now before you think I've gone all Anthony Weiner on you and click away, no it's not that kind of post. But there are dirty bits.

      Jennifer tasked us with showing our blog spots. You know those serene, inspirational places we rest our weary selves and let the magic flow. Or in my case, my room, the man cave if you will.

     Cave is really the best word for it in many ways. It is in the basement. Long, kind of narrow and dim. My housemates have the prime real estate above ground. I do have two windows that let in an annoying amount of light when I try and sleep in. This works because I am separated from everyone by a floor, the buffer zone. I don't disturb them leaving for work at 5:30 am and they know better than to disturb me, usually.

     It has a dirt floor, okay, dirt on the floor. I've been trying to re organise the basement this week and have tracked stuff everywhere. You have been warned, on to the dirty bits.

     The long view. My room has gradually been overtaken with stuff. I swear it didn't start out this way. My drafting table was originally in the other room but had to relocate as I accumulated even more crap to fill my house. That smudge on the wall, those are footprints. I lean back in my chair as I'm reading and walk the wall. Strange but true. It really doesn't have that high contrast in RL, time to get the pressure washer out again.

     The original Pinterest board. I'm very visual and I tack up everything from the vision board to business cards. Anything that catches my interest, is vaguely important or makes me laugh.

     I can easily see the television, because I procrastinate even while procrastinating. An edge of the never made bed, just in case I need a bit of a lie down after all that exercise from tapping away at the keyboard.

     A little bed side reading. As you may have noticed books everywhere is a common theme in my decorating scheme. There is also a bookshelf right outside my bedroom door to hold yet more of my literary treasures and one right opposite my desk. The one opposite my desk also has the chocolate stash. Just in case I need a little energy boost.

     The top of my drafting table, covered with current projects and assorted homeless objects. The socks are the result of "Sock Hospital". Gathering up all of the one ofs and after two washings if the mate is still MIA, out they go. A tragic fate but I do try and at least wear matching socks. People look at you funny when you don't.

     Finally, the coffee station. There is almost always coffee on.Truly my oldest friend. No kidding, that coffee maker is about 25 years old. I have gone through five or six in the kitchen but this poor, battered, old thing keeps going on and on. Much like Titanic.

     The cinnamon is for my coffee. The Windex is evidence I really do clean, or just a prop. You decide.

     The big bag of white powder is not recreational. It's rice flour for a recipe. It is currently in my room because, A, I know where to find it and B, it looks very much like the corn starch, potato starch, icing sugar and meringue powder that currently reside in my kitchen cabinets in three containers. Yes that's right. Four into three. Still not sure which has been inadvertently combined. I'm sure it will be a lovely surprise at dinner one night.

     If I'm not in the mood for coffee, perish the thought, there is the small beer and beverage fridge just outside my door opposite the book shelf. A guy's gotta have options.

     The thing I have noticed after perusing the other entries, other than my utter lack of domestic skills, is solitude. I couldn"t get anything done if I couldn't shut my door and shut the world out. I can't work on the couch, in the kitchen, the living room ..... Way too many distractions.

     I do however share a love of old school writing in actual notebooks, the back of envelopes, napkins, anything I can put a pen or pencil to. Occasionally, in the summer, I jot things down outside relaxing in my garden. No Blackberry, other than the bush, no tablet, no laptop. Just good old fashioned pen and paper. I find it strangely relaxing. Probably because I can write much faster than I can type.

     Swing by Jennifer's and check out all the other hot blog spots. Now you've seen mine, let's see yours.


  1. A truly male perspective! I like the coffee station. Good job!

    1. Well, you did say you wanted to know a bit more about us. TMI?? LOL Thanks for a fun link up

  2. Haha! I like the original Pinterest board. You look pretty self-sufficient down in your man cave ;) And I think you need a new coffee maker.

    1. I am completely self contained. I'm pretty sure I could survive down in my room for weeks if necessary. I've grown weirdly attached to that poor coffee maker. Oh the times we've shared LOL

  3. Absolutely LOVED this! "The original Pinterest board" Ha! So true. Sigh. Some times I miss the good ole days. I love writing in notebooks too. I have them all over the house and I panic if I'm ever caught outside the house without one and a crazy thought that MUST BE WRITTEN DOWN enters my mind.

    1. Well thanks. I want to be your neighbour. Love the visual of you in mask and hat by the window scaring the neibourhood LOL I'll write on anything, you should see the collection of bits and pieces. All.vitally. important.(of course until I lose them)

  4. I love your "pinterest" board. I remember way back when having a bulletin board. It's so cool to see that someone still use one. :)

    1. I have had a bulletin board in one form or another since I was a kid. I'd miss it if it wasn't there.

  5. Due to the many paper books, coffee maker and "pinterest" board one must assume you have been in your "man cave" so long you missed the rising technology. Now we have things called Kindles, Keurigs and internet pin boards. Hehe.

    1. I'm not THAT old ROFL. Funnily enough, the Kurig is upstairs in the kitchen, never gets used. I have Pinterest boards for real, rarely get used and I actually turned down a Kindle. I find working online strangely passive. I like to be able to touch and manipulate things in RL. Reading on a Kindle is nothing like holding a book in hand. Besides, very clumsy, books are much harder to break.
      My computer on the other hand, quad core, 16 GB of ram 2 terebytes of storage, kick ass graphics card etc etc etc. I love all those gadgets.

  6. Did you happen to see that Christmas tree made out of books on Pinterest?? That would have been perfect for you to do with all those literary treasures of yours lying around! LOL ;)

    1. LOL, no I didn't. I did see the two made of empty beer cans and soda pop botttles thought. I'll have to take a look

  7. Finally a spot that looks like my house! So glad you didn't photograph everything in tip top shape and super organized (err...I'm not exactly saying your messy) and there always ALWAYS has to be coffee. #Score

    1. It's okay, you can say it. I am messy. I was going to clean everything up for the photo op but .... Where to hide it all?? I've been trying to purge but I have so much stuff. All Very Important, yeah right. All I need is Jennifer's Coffee Whore mug and I'm set.

  8. The gleaming white hard hat... no desk is complete without one. And the faux-coke... Love your space :)

    1. LOL, the hard hat was a prop, one of the many homeless items I have. The faux-coke, imagine it was real and I really had that much disposable income. I'd be RICH. It's cluttered and messy but I love my space too. Thanks for the visit.

  9. I definitely agree about the pen and paper thing...and I hang stuff on a board over my desk too. It looks like you have everything you need. And probably more. ;)

    1. I have all that I need, and you and you and you and you too. I could be on an episode off Hoarders.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".