
Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

     It's Tuesday, the day before the big day and time for Coffee Chat. The topic, Random Thoughts. Now this ties in perfectly with where I'm at for a couple of reasons.

     I always have a lot of random thoughts percolating around in my brain. One of the things I wanted to do for NaBloPoMo was some unstructured writing. I had read one of the SOC Sunday posts over at Just Jennifer and wanted to try it and finally, was introduced to Fadra , her blog actually, who is the host of Stream of Consciousness Sunday. I can try a SOC post and get the random thoughts out, all in one.

     Obviously I'm not participating in the regular Sunday thing, but am looking forward to the exercise. Not being able to edit or spellcheck will be the biggest challenge. Can't spell, lousy keyboard skills and I always, always edit. Usually quite a few times truth be told.

Want to try it? Here are the rules…
  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post with Fadra.
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love

     Here are my five minutes of Random Thoughts.

Pressure is on, timer is going. Think brain.Reminds me of the first exam I took in high school, I got so nervous I got sick. True story. Everone who saw me leave thought I got caught cheating, i was so pale ha ha ha, never needed to cheat, I liked school. also reminds me of drawingexercisesin art class. Don't look at the page, don't lift the charcol, draw.lines, corves shapes taking form. Why the pressure to get everything just right? who cares if I can't spell. stringing words togethr.Power in words,wordsmithing

    That's my five minutes. I can't believe that"s all I got down. Sounds like a lot of time but I guess not. I was just getting into it and the timer went off. Being a lousy typist doesn't help, at top spped I'm good for maybe 30 words a minute. I be much better off with a pen and paper, doin' it old school.

     Ever done any SOC writing?


  1. not too shabby actually. love "wordsmithing"....i could never do this.
    I've edited this comment at least 5 times :)

    thanks for joining the chat!

  2. I love this exercise but I might be too embarrassed to post it. I think it's perfect for a random-thought post and it's interesting that it led you to that memory :)

  3. Thanks Rory, Funny you picked up on wordsmithing, I want to expand that into it's own post. It kills me leaving all the mistakes in there. LOL

  4. Hi Germaine, it was a fun exercise. Give it a shot. That exam memory surfaces every time I take a test, sometimes it helps and makes me smile other times it makes it worse and I go completely blank. LOL


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".