
Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Wrath of Powdery Mildew, the saga continues

     Here is the latest from my little patch of dirt.

Powdery mildew, well established and destroying my zucchini

The close up

     Obviously I have not won the battle yet. The fates conspired and we have had some damp weather, not enough to really water the garden but enough to wash away any topical plant treatment. Then there was a friend's wedding, radiant bride, beautiful ceremony and all round good time so I forgot, which brings me to today and more damp weather. This is what a full blown outbreak of powdery mildew looks like, again this year.

     All is not lost. First, it is very confined this year, only the zucchini has been hit. Secondly, I may win yet. It is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow but on Tuesday, I'll strip the diseased leaves and treat the rest of the plant and surrounding soil with a sulfur spray. If that works, and Dad swears it did for him, I'll still get another picking or two from my plants before frost finally finishes what the mildew is trying so hard to do now.

     I am still suffering a plague of squirrels as well. Another reason to hate that walnut tree. The latest victim, my watermelons. It wouldn't be so bad if they would take and eat the whole thing but they just eat holes in every one. Argh. There will be blood meal everywhere next year, or a pellet gun. LOL

     On a more hilarious note concerning attempted pest control, here are some pictures of the owl in my parent's garage. A few years ago they were all the rage to stop all kinds of things from invading the garden or garage. The theory is that when they see the owl, a natural predator, they will be frightened off much like a scarecrow is supposed to work. Sounds plausible, right? Sound reasoning, logic I can follow.

     I guess someone forgot to explain that to the barn swallows who built a nest on the damn things head. Too funny. Four cute little hatchlings obviously unaware they are living on a deadly predator's head. ROFL

     On the bright side, my second wave of mini glads are in full bloom and the eggplants are putting out dozens of shiny purple fruit. Grilled eggplant with balsamic vinegar and thyme anyone?

The second wave

Eggplant doing just fine

     Prime canning season is here and the glut of fresh fruits and vegetables is calling to me to stop writing and get in the kitchen and get busy. They won't can themselves.

     Sadly, it is also time to consider where the fall crops will go for next year. I will be planting my winter onions and garlic in a couple of weeks. Summer is already waning, heavy sigh.

     What is happening in your patch these days?


  1. I like the way you express your thoughts in your posts. Keep the good work...

  2. Thanks Eftychia, I'll try. Thanks for the visit.


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".