
Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Lumsden Clan

Note: Based on new DNA information I have, this tree is incorrect
I'm not exactly sure where the information goes wrong
 I'll update/ correct when I have it all sorted out
The mistake is somewhere with John Lumsden who married Anne Leech
They and their children are my family and I  know after that the tree is correct.
I'm no longer sure he is the same person who married Rebecca and moved to the United States and I believe I have him with the incorrect family emigrating to Canada.
Sorry for any confusion and feel free to contact me if you have any proof positive of the family line.

As with all the pictures, click to view full size.

The Lumsden family crest

     The name Lumsden is a locational surname. It originates from place called "Lumsden" in the parish of Coldingham in Berwickshire, Scotland. It is from pre 7th century old English  "lumm", meaning pool and "denu", a valley. There are several variations, Lumsdale, Lumsdein etc on the way to the modern spelling of Lumsden.

The Lumsden badge
The Lumsden motto, "Amor patitur moras", means, Love endures delays
I have seen five different Lumsden mottos

The Lumsden tartan

     The Lumsden clan has a long, well documented history with lots of interesting bits and pieces. I'm not going to go into it here but Google "Clan Lumsden" if you're interested in learning the story of the family. I have a lot of information from a variety of sources, so this page will be in a constant state of update until I can sort it all out.

     I have seen three conflicting trees for our family line, one I have eliminated, the second I'm not sure but this one is from a "cousin" who has it from a letter of her gr grandfather's. His history has been spot on so far so I'm inclined to think this is the correct line.

    It starts with George Lumsden, born in 1656 in Toll Cross, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. On January 23, 1690 he married Isobel Johnston in Cocksburnpath, Berwichshire, Scotland. She was born Sept. 19, 1675 from Co'path. I have four children for the couple, all born in Co'path.

William, b) June 14, 1691
George b) Jan 15, 1693
James b) July of 1694
Thomas b) April 22, 1698

     George married Jean Gordon, August 28, 1718 in Methlick parish of Aberdeenshire. The only child I have for them is Alexander, born about 1733. I have their marriage record but no baptisms for children. This is the couple where all three trees diverge. Everything from Alexander after matches generation for generation.

George and Jean's marriage banns

     Alexander married Mary "Molly" Poole in 1758 in Wexford, Ireland. He and his family probably left Scotland after the Battle of Culloden in 1746. The Lumsdens were supporters of "Bonny Prince Charles" Stuart who lost his bid to restore the Stuart royal line, so Scotland may not have been very welcoming to them. Whatever the reason, the family moved to Wexford, Ireland and for the next two generations the information is thin.

     Alexander and "Molly" had at least one son, William,  Sept. of 1758-1825

     William married Elizabeth Whitmore (1752-1830) and they had at least one son John born November 18,1783.

     John married Francis Allen (Oct. 16,1788-1832) Aug 18, 1807 in Wicklow, Ireland. They had seven children, all born in Wexford. John is our forefather who emigrated to Canda. They came over in 1831 and settled in the Peterborough area. Their descendants are still in the area. Much of the information and corroboration I have comes from William's gr granddaughter. Thank you Barbara.

Rev. William Lumsden M.A. Nov. 4, 1811
Elizabeth May 30, 1814
George Aug. 17, 1816
Samuel March 2, 1819
John  March 2, 1819
Francis Thomas March 4, 1822
Mary Jane Aug. 16, 1825

Mary Jane Lumsden Riggs and her daughter Ida
This is the only picture I have come across of John and Frances Allen's children

     John , the younger, seems to have been a bit of a wanderer. He left the Peterborough area and Sept. 18, 1836 married Anne Leach  in Perth. John Lumsdin is registered in the Montague 1841 head of household census. The 1851 Montague census has only John, Anne and George(8) listed but the record is fragmented. I have six children for the couple but not all have birth dates so are in no particular order.

Thomas June 6, 1838
George April 4, 1843
Margaret Jane

     I don't know what happened but by 1854 he is re-married to Rebecca Densmore of Rawdon, Nova Scotia. It doesn't look like any of the children with Anne leave the area with John. I have another six children for this couple.

Franklin Aug. 29 1855-Oct 14, 1876
Albert about 1860
Samuel W. Nov. 1 1866 in Wawanosh Twp (back in the Peterborough area)
Elizabeth 1868 in Wawanosh
Levi 1873-1928 in Polk county, Wisconsin

     Again, I don't know what happened but John eventually left Canada, between 1868 -73,  for the United States and died November 2,  1903 in Polk county Wisconsin. He is buried in the Wolf Creek cemetary, East Stirling, Polk county, Wisconsin with his wife, sons Franklin, Samuel and Levi and Samuel's wife Lottie.

      John's son Thomas married Jane McCreary. Thomas died June 6, 1872. He is buried in VanDusen's cemetary in Montague with his wife Jane. The 1881 Montague census lists Jane and their six children.

Elizabeth 1860
John William Jan. 23, 1863
Esther (Easter)Alice Aug. 15, 1867
Mararet Ida Oct. 15, 1869
Robert Thomas Nov. 4, 1871
Mary Jane" Minnie" June 29, 1875

     Thomas' son John William married Maria Barr Aug 11, 1886 in Carelton Place. She was the daughter of Adam Barr and Maria Strong. I believe her full name is Sarah Maria Barr, I'll explain later, and there are two in the area at the same time. To further confuse things, the other married a Craig.

     By 1900, John is a widower and on August 1st, he re-married to Margaret Forde in Smiths Falls.

     It has been a bit of a challenge trying to figure out this generation. John shows up as John W. or William J or just William depending on the records you look at. His wife Sarah is Sarah or Maria so it gets confusing fairly quickly. Add the many other related Lumsdens in the area and you can begin to understand the problem.

John William Lumsden
I have no pictures of either of John's wives

John again

A picture of John's store

     John and Maria had at least two children, possibly three. I need to do some more digging to figure all of this out.

Pearl Nov. 6, 1887
? Mary Ann 1887
Allan Barr July 3, 1889

Pearl Lumsden McGrath
Allan Barr Lumsden

     Allan Barr Lumsden married Bessie Irene Wood, November 26, 1924 at Rosedale in Montague.
Allan and Bessie had nine children.

Harold Allan Aug. 17, 1925-1961,
     married Mary Kathleen Coad and had eleven children
Muriel Irene March 13, 1927
     married Evon Mifred Craig Aug 17, 1943  and had thirteen children
John Burton"Bert" Sept. 9, 1928-1959
    married Ruth Craig and had five children
Robert "Bob"April 17
     married Bertha (Dolly) Purcell and had five children
Lois Dec. 17, 1933
     married Mervyn Darling May 30, 1952 and had three children
Carman Lyle April 21, 1936-June 10, 1967
Shirley March 26, 1937
     married Stanley Snowdon and had three children
LLoyd  Dec. 14
Phyllis Jan. 22, 1942
     married Paul Noonan and had three children

Bessie Irene Wood and Allan Barr Lumsden

Bessie with Roy Craig (her daughter's first)and Phyllis, her youngest child

 Harold and Bert Lumsden

Bert Lumsden

Bert Lumsden, taken at the Wood homestead

Bob Lumsden

Carman Lumsden

LLoyd Lumsden

Shirley Lumsden Snowdon

Phyllis Lumsden

Muriel Lumsden Craig
This is a great picture of my grandmother as a girl

Neil Curran and Bert Lumsden

Evon Craig, Muriel, Jennie McGrath and Harold Lumsden
Jennie was raised by the Lumsdens after her mother died

Shirley, Bob, Lois, Carmen with Evon Craig and Muriel tucked around the side
Don't know the dog's name

Dolly, Bob, Bessie and Allan

Shirley and her husband Stan Snowdon

The Lumsden family, November of 1959
Back: Lois, Phyllis, Shirley, Lloyd and Carman
Front: Harold, Bob, Allan, Muriel (behind Allan) and Bessie
Bert died in a hunting accident in 1959 so isn't in the picture

Shirley, Muriel, Phyllis and Lois

     Muriel Irene married Evon Milford Craig Aug 17, 1943, my grandparents. They and their eleven children constitute my "current" Craig family and end my direct line with the Clan Lumsden.

Evon and Muriel at the Lumsden house

Evon and Muriel at their 25th anniversary in 1968 at Rosedale hall in Montague

The whole family, same year, same event
Back: Eric, Roy, Evon, Jean,Muriel, Leo
Front: Doug, Donna, Debbie, Marilyn, Karen, Janice and Jimmy
Marilyn and Karen are right up front

Eric, Joan and Me, Paul

John, Nancy, Lacey and Chad Lumsden

     As I mentioned earlier I have had a lot of input from various people helping to get all of this together. Thank you to Nancy Hitchcock Lumsden who supplied a lot of the pictures and names here. Her husband is Bert and Ruth Craig's son. I've already thanked Barbara for all of her history and help. Finally, thank you to Aileen Young Craig, my aunt "Leenie". She gave me nine pages tracing all of Allan and Bessie's descendants to the present. I didn't include a lot of the information because it involves all of the living Lumsdens in all of their variations and I don't have their permission. It is for them to decide what they want to share.

     I don't know my Lumsden relatives well so by all means drop me a line to say hello and we can get better acquainted. Feel free to add to the story of our family, share pictures, stories, whatever. To contact me, click on my profile, About Me, on the right and it will take you to an email link. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for dropping by, Paul


  1. Hi

    Trying to find out the parents of Eliza Lumsden who married Denis Kinsella and had the following children in Ballinclare, Ballycanew, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland:

    Dorothea Kinsella 6th of Jan 1845.
    Denis Kinsella 16th of Feb 1846.
    Dorthea Kinsella 1st of July 1850.
    Frances Kinsella 26th of Feb 1854.

    What connection was Eliza to Susan Lumsden who married Michael Byrne and had the following children in Ballycanew, Gorey, County Wexford:

    Michael Byrne 6th of Sept 1844.
    William Byrne 6th of Dec 1846.

    Do you know where your Elizabeth, May 30 1814 ended up?


  2. Hi Mogue,
    Thanks for the visit.
    Elizabeth 1814 emigrated to the Peterborough area of Canada West in about 1831 with the rest of her famly. I'm not sure what happend to her after that. Although related, her family is not my direct line they would have been cousins to mine.

    I have had very little luck tracing relatives in Ireland, but I know of at least three possibly five, different families that come from County Wexford to Canada.

    Funny your connection to Kinsella, I know I've seen that name in the 1851 Canada census in the Montague area I think but I'll have to check.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help.

  3. this is my family and im proud to be part of it. im michael lumsden. my grampa came from irland. so im trying to meat all of my cousens and grampas and uncles and so on.

  4. The Ossington Kitchen: The Lumsden Clan

    Thank you for the information you provided on your blog. I have been researching the Lumsden line for over 25 years. The information is sparse as my Lumsden family immigrated to the United States from Wexford, Ireland and only had 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. I come from the boy. John Henry Lumsden is my great grand-father. His father was John Lumsden. I was able to find John Lumsden and Mary King's marriage bann that took place in Balleycanew, Wexford, Ireland. That is as far as I have been able to prove. As you may know genealogy records for Wexford are difficult to access from this side of the pond. I recently came to the conclusion that I would need to turn to DNA to move forward. My Lumsden family has been tested with Family Tree DNA. We are from the R1b1a2 #32105. Our markers are identical with your test group. Your history up to that point seems to have much in common with mine. Wexford, Balleycanew, and the same DNA marker match. I'm hoping that you might be able to help me in some way though I don't know how. The one person I have not been able to find is a child that appears on the Michigan 1860 census with John and Mary. Her name was Anna. I find it interesting that census records for John Lumsden and Ann Leach's daughter Anne are non existent after the 1851 census. The Ann Lumsden I have living with John and Mary in the 1860 census has a similar birth year. I have not been able to find her after the 1870 census. I am able to find the rest of the family living in Prince George Co. Virginia in the 1880 census but Anna is not living with them. I often wondered if this was the Anne that appeared on the 1851 Petersborough, Ontario, Canada census. But then there is other information that disproves that. Anyway if anything jumps out at you please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Lori Lumsden Smith

  5. hi! my father micheal lumsden. did anyone know him? i was trying to find him for many years.. thank you

  6. Hi I am a Lumsden my father is anyway William Lumsden. I am his daughter Gayle. We grew up and were born in Geelong Victoria Australia

  7. Hello, have read you Lumsden family blog posts many times and never commented but thought I'd take the time to do so now. Have you figured out where your Lumsden tree is in error yet? My great great grandfather was John Lumsden. He married Mary. The 1860 and 1870 US census shows the family living in Hillsdale County Michigan. The 1860 census says that they were married within the year. I do suspect this is a second marriage as they have a daughter living with them who cannot be found after 1870 at which time the family also moves to Virginia. I suspect this is the John Lumsden who married Ann Leach in Ontario Canada. I believe that after her death he left that area with his youngest daughter Anne. I believe tha Mary was not Anne's mother but that the two other children, John Henry and Martha Jennie, who appear on the Census records are John and Mary's children. I have no proof of any of this. One of my relatives participated in a DNA study and matched with your family. I think that the error you found in your research and the information that I have may lead both of us to finding some of the missing links that have curtailed out research. Any thought about this would be most welcomed. Lori Lumsden Smith

  8. Just completed my Lumsden tree on I have John A Lumsden Mar 2,1819 - Nov 2, 1903 (born in Wexford Ireland and died in Eureka, Polk, WI). Parents were John Lumsden and Frances Allen. He had a sister Mary and bother Francis. He married Anne Leach 9-18-1836 in Lanark Ontario Canada. I show their chikdren are Thomas, William J, Margaret, George, William and Elizabeth (? twins) and 6 years later Annie was born. Wife Anne died 6-29-1852. Son Franklin born in 1855 same year he married Rebecca Jane Densmore. They also had the following children: Mary, Albert, Samuel, Elizabeth (all born in Canada) and Levi born in Wisconsin in May of 1871.

    Denise Horoky

  9. hi there, our family came from Scotland to Canada. most of us are in Washington state. Dennis Lumsden

  10. Hi my name is Glen Burton Lumsden son of Harold Allan Lumsden and Grandson of Allan Barr Lumsden I am related to you and we are located in smiths falls ont Canada


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