
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Butterscoth Pie I

     I love butterscotch pie. Until recently, the only person I knew who made it was my Grandma Fisher. I can only ever remember having hers and what a treat it was. I received this recipe from my aunt Gladys and was so surprised when I saw it. I never knew anyone on the Craig side made this. I now have three recipes and will post all three because they are all a little different. Mostly the same ingredients, but different ratios and different cooking techniques. That all adds up to different tastes. I can hardly wait to test all three.

Butterscotch Pie
1 prepared pie crust, baked
1 ¼ cup brown sugar
2¾ cup of milk, divided ¾ cup, 2 cups scalded
1/3 cup of cornstarch
½ teaspoon of salt
3 egg yolks, reserve whites for meringue
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Scald 2 cups of milk, remove from heat
In a heavy bottomed pot (to prevent scorching) combine brown sugar,

cornstarch, ¾ cup of milk, salt and egg yolks.
Whisk until well combined.

Heat over medium heat, slowly adding scalded milk.
Bring mixture to a boil and cook 2 minutes longer until thickened.

Stir in butter and vanilla and cool slightly.
Pour into baked pie shell and cool completely.

Top with meringue and bake in 350 degree oven approximately 10 to 12 minutes

until meringue is lightly browned.
3 egg whites
¼ teaspoon of baking powder
1/3 cup of sugar
Combine all ingredients and beat until soft peaks form. Spread on top of completely cooled pie.
       Recipe number one for butterscotch pie and apparently Gladys is well known for this delicious recipe. I can't believe the family was holding out on me. LOL I improvised a little on the directions. Most of the family recipes are lists of ingredients and a few if any cooking instructions. The people who make them know how they do things so don't need extensive instructions. It is the challenge in trying to re create what other people have made. If I have made a mistake, feel free to correct me.

     Gladys also included this little tip. Leave the pie in the oven about 15 minutes after you have turned off the heat. It dries the meringue a little and prevent weeping.


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