
Friday, January 7, 2011

Beatrice Elizabeth Sadler Fisher

This page is dedicated to my maternal grandmother
Beatrice Elizabeth Sadler Fisher
September 24, 1918 - January 8, 2010

Grandma as a girl, not sure where the picture was taken

And another

And another, this is taken at her family home

This is the house she grew up in

Another shot of the Sadler farm

This is a picture of her father at their farm, Johnston Sadler
He married Mary Emma Craig, no pictures of her yet

Beatrice, her father Johnston and her sister Lola

Grandma's brothers and sisters
I can only identify Grandma and Grandpa (Herb and Bea) and Lola in the front

Grandma's brothers and sisters
Wilbert, Orval, Milburn, Percy, Edwin, Gordon, Lola and Beatrice

Beatrice and Lola
This is how I remember my Grandmother, smiling

Grandma and her daughters, she was happiest when surrounded by family
Jean, Marlyn, Susan, Deb, Barb, Rita and Joan

Grandma's smile again
Leslie sent me this picture, it seems this is how we all remember her

As well as raising eleven hooligans, I mean children
Grandma made beautiful quilts
I remember her quilting frame out in the sitting room with her latest work in progress

Marlyn and her husband Donny holding one of the quilts

My grandmother was also famous for her bread.
I can remember the kitchen table covered in bread rising in all manner of baking pans. 
I wish I had a picture of that.
She made all kinds of preserves, jams and jellies.
Her crab apple jelly inspired me to try and make my own and the rest is history.
I like to think she would have been thrilled to be the subject of all of this,
but she wouldn't have understood all the fuss.
It was just what she did, nothing special.
She would have loved the family pictures though.

The farm where Grandma and Grandpa retired to.
She loved watching the birds from that picture window.

One final picture of her smiling
"If you eat a little of the main course, you can have a little dessert"
Grandma, I have been eating lots of both LOL
and made from a lot of your recipes.
I miss you terribly.

     There are lots more pictures out there. Please pass along your favourites and I'll post them. For all of the Sadler and Craig family members, if you would like to contact me directly, click on my profile, About Me on the right. It will take you to an email link. You can always leave an email address for me to contact you in the comment section and I will repost the comment with the address removed.  However you decide, please do get in touch, it is always good to hear from family. Take care, Paul


  1. I am struck by such poignancy as I read this page. Today is the "anniversary" of Grandma's passing: I've just returned from her "little brother" Gordon's memorial service; and I have a fresh loaf of bread baking. Bread that my daughter Alaina helped me make....just as I used to help Grandma. (Although I don't know how much help peeking under the dishtowel to see how high the dough had risen really is. LOL.) All that's missing is a bird to come to the feeder outside my own big kitchen window. And I can't help but wonder about legacy. The one that has been left to us, and more important, the one we will leave behind.

    Does anyone even think about such things anymore? But I know it must move in us....I can't imagine a home without fresh baking, a garden and a big window to view the world....a holiday not surrounded by your loved ones. a strong work ethic, generous spirit, loyalty: to God, country, and family, and above all else....a cheerful heart that shows in your smile. that's how Love moves.....not with great noise and fanfare...but like a ripple that starts as but a tiny drop; but widens and strengthens as it reaches distant shores. the legacy of our forebears is ever-reaching, and these pages are a great testament to them. Godspeed Gordon, and miss your smile Gramma.

  2. Thank you for that thoughtful and touching comment, you've left me speechless.

  3. I have grandma's bread recipe and I haven't had any since she made it so Luke and my dad made some for really took me back.

  4. Isn't it funny how many memories we have around the food we ate. Looking at the recipes is like looking at photo albums for me. I remember who made it, where we were when we had it Stuff like that. I can't even think about Grandma's butterscotch pie without thinking of your Dad telling Ferd it was made with sheep s**t LMAO


Thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoyed your time in the "Kitchen".