
Monday, July 1, 2013


     Happy Monday and Happy Canada Day.  Was at a BBQ last night, getting ready to go to another this afternoon, who doesn't love a long weekend? Time to make a quick list and link up with Stasha, the hostess with the most-ess. This week, 10 things Summer.

1 Heat. After a cold Canadian winter nothing compares to being outside without a thousand layers of clothing. (or outside at all)

2 BBQs A summer staple, everything tastes better charred on the grill.

3 Green The taste of fresh asparagus, the smell of cut grass, the sound of leaves rustling in the trees and the sights of nature in all of it's glory.

4 Thunderstorms No explanation necessary.

5 Water, as opposed to ice, snow, sleet, slush. Poolside, lakeside, riparian or just the murmur of a backyard fountain.

6 Bonfires and bush parties

7 Fireworks

8 Farmer's markets

9 Pitchers Filled with beer, sangria, iced tea or lemonade. With a trickle of condensation running down the side.

10 Enjoying the great outdoors. Biking, hiking, riding or lazing the afternoon away in a hammock. It's just good to be outside.

     What says summer to you? Time for cake.